
jú duān
  • Local end;local side
局端[jú duān]
  1. 总配线架系统(MDF,maindistributionframe),是用来连接电信业铜线用户与局端机房的大型交换装置。

    The main distribution frame ( MDF ) is large switching system that is used to connect copper users of the telecommunications industry and infrastructure Room .

  2. EPON系统局端机的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of EPON System Central Office Unit

  3. 通过运行在网管终端上的网络管理代理(SNMPAgent)和电力线通信局端设备在MAC层进行信息交互,终端实现了对电力线通信局端设备和用户端设备的管理。

    The terminal accomplishs to manage the BPL network equipments by means of the communication between its SNMP AGENT and bridge terminal on MAC layer .

  4. 依据Socket编程思想,将整个系统分为局端、终端以及链路三大部分。

    Based on the Socket programming model , the whole system is divided into three parts : server , client and link .

  5. 时延补偿、动态带宽分配以及局端桥接等是构建EPON系统的关键技术。

    Delay compensation , Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation ( DBA ) and bridging are key technologies in EPON system design .

  6. ADSLDSLAM局端设备的性能分析

    Performance Analysis of ADSL DSLAM System

  7. CMMB系统局端设备的电磁兼容限值和试验方法研究

    Research on Central Office Equipment 's Eletromagnetic Compatibility Tolerance and Testing Method in CMMB System

  8. 例如,XDSL技术需要在电话线的用户端和电话局端安装像modem那样新型装置。

    For example , XDSL technology requires new modem-like devices on both the user and the phone company end of the line .

  9. 其中OLT位于局端,负责向多个ONU提供网络接入;

    OLT , which provides network access to ONUs is located in CO ( central office ) side .

  10. 将若干个局端交换机通过2M链路按照树形拓扑连接在一起,再把节点交换机就近接入各个局端交换机。

    Several bureau will end by 2 M link exchanges in accordance with the tree topology together again , each node switch nearby access switches .

  11. 论文的主要工作:深入研究ADSL理论及其离散多音调制。设计、并实际开发了高集成度32路ADSL局端业务板。

    The main works in the paper could be described as follow : Study the theory of ADSL and DMT , design and debug the high density 32 line ADSL board for CO.

  12. GPON技术作为一种无源光网络技术,从局端到用户端的光缆链路全部由无源器件组成,可减少维护使用成本。

    GPON technology as a passive optical network technology , fiber optic cable link from the central office to the client all passive components , can reduce the maintenance and use costs .

  13. 以ADSL系统研制为基础,介绍了采用ATMoverADSL结构时宽带接入系统的构成,重点介绍了该方式下ADSL局端线路卡和用户端系统的软、硬件实现。

    This paper is based on the development of ADSL system . It includes the architecture of ATM over ADSL broadband access network . We concentrate our attention on hardware and software function designs of ATM over ADSL ATU C and ATU R cards .

  14. 该系统由车载卡和局端盒组成,车载卡和局端盒之间通过蓝牙模块进行通信。

    This system is made up by vehicle monitor and postal box , which communicates each other by bluetooth module .

  15. 硬件主要是局端的节点设备,和用户端猫的问题。

    The hardware is mainly the node equipments that the bureau carry , carrying the problem of the cat with customer .

  16. 本文描述了面向对象的软件设计以及设计模式在千兆比特无源光网络接入系统的局端设备软件开发中的应用。

    In this thesis , it mainly describes how the object oriented design and the design patterns are applied into the software development of the OLT of the GPON access system .

  17. 千兆比特无源光网络接入系统的局端设备由主控卡和业务卡组成,在这些板卡上运行的软件为嵌入式软件。

    The OLT of the GPON access system consists of the main control card and the GPON cards , the software program which are running on the OLT are embedded software .

  18. 需求分析方面首先引用需求分析的一般概念,然后描述当前千兆比特无源光网络接入系统的具体需求,进而描述千兆比特无源光网络接入系统局端设备的软件系统需求。

    In the aspect of requirement , it refers to the general concept of requirement firstly , then describes the concrete requirement of the GPON access system , furthermore , describes the requirement of the OLT software system .

  19. 昨日,湖里区枋湖社448号一家大型黑网吧被湖里区工商局给端了。

    Yesterday , the lake district Kengfang Lake , a community of448 illegal Internet cafes were large lake district Business Bureau to the end .

  20. 对它区汇接局及其它端局间设置高效或低呼损直达电路或不设电路。

    The direct circuit with efficient and low call losing is setup or not for other tandom office and end offices .