
jǐ suān yùn tónɡ
  • hydroxyprogesteroni caproas
  1. 荧光光谱法测定复方己酸孕酮注射液中微量组分戊酸雌二醇的含量

    Use of Fluorospectrophotometry for Assay of Low Dosage Estradiol Valerate of Compound Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate Injection

  2. 方法以已行瘤体减灭术的卵巢上皮性癌患者1~4期为研究对象,分为单纯化疗组、己酸孕酮组和普维拉组。

    The patients were divided into chemotherapy group , progesterone acetate group and provera group .

  3. 单纯化疗组、己酸孕酮组术后5年生存率分别为17.4%、48.4%,复发率分别为81.5%、62.4%。

    The 5 year survival rates of the chemotherapy group and progesterone group were : 17.4 % , 48.4 % respectively ; 5 year recurrence rates were : 81.5 % , 62.4 % respectively .

  4. 单纯化疗组、己酸孕酮组、普维拉组3期患者术后3年生存率分别为34.8%、66.2%、73.9%,复发率分别为72.2%、47.3%、40.6%;

    There year survival rates of stage 3 patients of the chemotherapy group , progesterone acetate group and provera group were : 34.8 % , 66.2 % , 73.9 % respectively ; the 3 year recurrence rates were : 72.2 % , 47.3 % , 40 . 6 % respectively .

  5. 结论苯甲酸雌二醇可以增强体液免疫而抑制细胞免疫,己酸羟孕酮可以增强细胞免疫而抑制体液免疫。

    Conclusion Estradiol benzoate can boost humoral immunity and suppress cellular immunity while hydroxyprogesterone caproate has an opposite effect .

  6. 结论:苯甲酸雌二醇、己酸羟孕酮或二者联合应用均可以升高外周血白细胞数目和淋巴细胞数目。

    Conclusion : Both estradiol benzoate and hydroxyprogesterone caproate or mixture of them can increase the count of peripheral leukocytes and percentage of lymphocytes .