
  • The Brazilian;Brasileiro
  1. 去年,巴西人GilbertoAraújo被宣布死亡。

    Gilberto Ara ú jo , a Brazilian man , was mistakenly declared dead last year .

  2. 布拉特的前任、巴西人若昂•阿维兰热(JoãodeHavelange)就被判定收受一家营销公司的贿赂。

    Mr Blatter 's predecessor , the Brazilian Jo ã o de Havelange , was found guilty of taking bribes from a marketing company .

  3. 根据世界银行的统计数字,41%的巴西人生活在赤贫中。

    According to World Bank figures , 41 per cent of Brazilians live in absolute poverty

  4. 展望新年,巴西人心情沮丧,甚至连总统都承认明年困难重重,不容乐观。

    Brazilians look gloomily forward to a New Year that even the president admits will be grey and cheerless .

  5. 统计学表明巴西人在世界上最糟糕的驾驶员之列。

    Statistics show that Brazilians are among the world 's worst drivers .

  6. 每年差不多有50000个巴西人死于交通事故。

    Every year almost 50000 Brazilians die in traffic accidents .

  7. 巴西人喜欢在电话里交谈——在家里,在沙滩上和在他们的车子里。

    Brazilians love to talk on the telephone - at home , on the beach and in their cars .

  8. 在纽约经营两家巴西餐馆的巴西人乔•德•麦托斯(JoaodeMatos)说。

    That doesn 't make me feel good , 'said Joao de Matos , a Brazilian who runs two Brazilian restaurants in New York .

  9. 3G的领导者是三个巴西人,他们的投资资金是从全球最富有的家族募集的。3G将目标锁定于难以保持增长的美国大型消费者产品集团,这些集团如果采取积极的削减成本措施,就能迅速提高盈利能力。

    Led by three Brazilians who invest funds raised from the world 's wealthiest families , 3G wages its campaigns on large US consumer groups that have struggled to grow and where aggressive cost-cutting measures can rapidly improve profitability .

  10. Penna模型是基于无性繁殖的种群演化模拟模型,该模型于1995年由巴西人T.J.P.Penna提出。

    The Penna model is an evolution model based on asexual reproduction , and is published in 1995 by T. J. P.

  11. 在这项Badoo票选中,巴西人是排名第二酷的民族,也是拉美第一酷,拉美国家中紧随其后的是墨西哥人跟阿根廷人。

    Brazilians are ranked the second coolest nationality in the Badoo poll and the coolest Latin Americans , ahead of Mexicans and Argentinians .

  12. 合并和收购的整体繁荣也见证了巴西人控股的啤酒酿造商百威英博(Anheuser-BuschInBev)昨天把对伦敦上市的SABMiller提出的报价提高至670亿英镑。

    A wider boom in mergers and acquisitions also saw Anheuser-Busch InBev , the Brazilian-backed brewer , yesterday sweeten its offer for London-listed SABMiller to 67bn .

  13. 梅伊还曾提议对巴西人实行签证限制,在内阁成员以及保守党议员、英国巴西议会组织联合主席罗伯特•哈尔丰(RobertHalfon)提出抗议后,她搁置了该提议。

    Ms May also proposed visa restrictions for Brazilians , which she put on hold after protests from cabinet members and Robert Halfon , Tory MP and co-chairman of the British-Brazil parliamentary group .

  14. 巴西前总统、左翼反对党工人党(Workers'Party)领导人路易斯.伊纳西奥.卢拉.达席尔瓦(LuizInácioLuladaSilva)敦促巴西足球界“在这个对所有巴西人都极度悲痛的时刻”团结在沙佩科恩斯球队的身后。

    Former president Luiz In á cio Lula da Silva , leader of the leftist opposition Workers " party ( PT ) , urged Brazilian football to unite behind Chapecoense " at this moment of extreme sadness for all Brazilians . "

  15. 本田车队今天继续在巴塞罗那完成了他们的第二天测试,巴西人巴里切罗驾驶着RA108主要测试了轮胎。

    The Honda Racing F1 Team today completed a second day of testing at the Circuit de Catalunya with race driver Rubens Barrichello at the wheel of the RA108 .

  16. 如果巴西人懂得怎么过黑色星期五的话,那就应该在周四晚上到PatioHigienopolis卖场门口扎营,或至少在周五凌晨第一时间闯入最近的FNAC门店。

    If Brazilians were doing Black Friday right , they 'd have people camping out in front of Patio Higienopolis Thursday night , or at least barging through the doors at 00:01 on Friday at the nearest FNAC .

  17. 布拉特先生的前任巴西人乔??阿维兰热(JoaoHavelange).在1974年把英国人斯坦利??鲁斯爵士(SirStanleyRous)赶下台,他成功的部分原因是他承诺为更多非欧洲国家提供世界杯的席位。

    When Mr Blatter 's predecessor , Jo ? ? o Havelange , a Brazilian , ousted Sir Stanley Rous , an Englishman , in 1974 it was partly by promising non-Europeans more places at the World Cup .

  18. 安海斯-布希英博(Anheuser-BuschInBev)的卡洛斯•布里托是我选出的首席执行官沟通达人:他是巴西人,带领着一个来自美洲腹地的啤酒公司,但他的信息和风格适合全球观众。

    Carlos Brito of Anheuser-Busch InBev ( bud ) is my CEO PICK : he is a Brazilian heading up a beer business from the American heartland but his message and style speak to audiences around the world .

  19. 尽管数以百万计的巴西人仍住在破烂的贫民窟——没有卫生、医疗、教育和交通设施可言——但巴西决定投入逾110亿美元兴建崭新的体育场馆,以及国际足联(Fifa)要求的其它所有设施。

    While millions of Brazilians still live in shanty towns - without access to decent sanitation , healthcare , education and transport - Brazil had chosen to pour more than $ 11bn into building glistening new stadiums , as well as all the other facilities demanded by Fifa , the international football federation .

  20. 此外,网络已成为12%的巴西人第二个最值得信赖的新闻来源,尤其在选择向谁投票时(这也是根据Ibope尼尔森在线的报告)。

    In addition , the web has become the second most trusted news source by12 % of Brazilians , especially when it comes to choosing who to vote ( also according to Ibope Nielsen Online ) .

  21. 几年前,巴西人投票选举了一位小丑当国会议员。

    A few years back , Brazilians voted a clown into Congress .

  22. 把生机贯入一个巴西人的血管里。

    Pumping life back into the veins * Of a little brasileiro .

  23. 巴西人可能天生就是乐观派,就像斯利姆所说的那样。

    Brazilians may have an innate optimism , as Mr slim said .

  24. 可以很好地使用于所有敏感部位,同样适用于巴西人。

    Perfect to use on all sensitive areas including Brazilians .

  25. 我想他身体中流淌着一些巴西人的血液。

    Reckon he 's got some Brazilian blood in him .

  26. 布莱克先生:这是保罗先生,他是巴西人。

    Mr blake : and this is paul . he 's brazilian .

  27. 巴西人亚历山大-帕托还没有决定自己的未来。

    Brazilian Alexandre Pato is yet to decide where his future lies .

  28. 十大富豪中包括一名巴西人和两名印度人。

    The top 10 includes a Brazilian and two Indians .

  29. 巴西人可能需要这样的欢乐气氛来分散他们的注意力。

    Brazilians may need all the distraction they can get .

  30. 巴西人常常注意到中国高管提出的问题之多。

    Brazilians often remark at the number of questions Chinese executives ask .