
  • 网络Civic Square;CITIZEN SQUARE;civic plaza
  1. 广场设计中的多义性整合初探&兰溪市民广场方案设计体会

    A Preliminary Approach to the Integration of Multi-meanings in Square Design & The Program Design for the Lanxi Civic Square

  2. 广场设计的内涵与外延&金坛市市民广场规划设计

    INTENSION AND EXTENSION OF PLAZA DESIGN Urban Design for Jintan Civic Plaza

  3. 浅谈市民广场建设的不足

    Talking about the Shortages of the Construction of the Citizen Square

  4. 适用性是评价市民广场设计优劣的基本准则。

    Applicability is the basic rule to design civic squares .

  5. 快车在市民广场有停吗?

    Does the express stop at citizen circle ?

  6. 市民广场设计的形象与场所&兼评广场的适用性

    " Image " and " Place " of Civic Squares & Case Study on Applicability

  7. 作为城市的公共空间,市民广场在城市公共生活中扮演着重要的角色。

    As public spaces of cities , civil squares play an important role in the lives of citizens .

  8. 城市特色和历史文脉&义乌市旧城改造暨市民广场建设规划

    Urban Identities and Historic Context : Remodeling of Old Yiwu City and the Planning for Construction of Civil Square

  9. 地区建筑设计的人文意识与技术策略探寻&以柳州行政中心及市民广场设计为例

    Design with Local Culture Adaptable Building Technology & The Proposal of Administration Center Civil Plaza of Liuzhou City as Example

  10. 在奥林匹克公园建设市民广场及青少年活动场所,充实其文化功能。

    For instance , a public square and other facilities for various cultural activities will be built in the Olympic Green .

  11. 通过对义乌市旧城改造暨市民广场建设工程规划设计的分析,将近年来对旧城改造规划设计的体验作一个回顾。

    Making analysis of the Yiwa project , this paper reviews the experience of remodeling design for old city over the years .

  12. 苏州市民广场的群落的物种相对比较单调,层次结构比较分明。

    The species of sampled community in the squares in Suzhou is comparatively simple , but with a rather clear structure layer .

  13. 本文以象山市民广场为例,对如何营造高质量的城市广场进行讨论。

    In this paper , with the illustration of Xiangshan civil square , then how to create the urban square with high quality is discussed .

  14. 创建绿色空间战略。规划街心花园、市民广场、公园道路,为吉达市民提供足够的休闲空间和运动设施。

    Plan a network of pocket parks , civic squares and linear parkways that can provide adequate leisure and sporting facilities for the citizens of Jeddah .

  15. 一般,建成时间较早、经济不太发达地区的市民广场的物种较少。

    Generally speaking , the earlier a square is built and the less developed region it is located in , the simpler the species are . 6 .

  16. 但反对者担心要是真的用巴力命名政府中心肯定会使韦恩堡变成深夜电视节目的笑柄。最后,政府宣布把那栋建筑命名为“市民广场”。

    but opponents feared that naming the center after Baals would make Fort Wayne the target of late-night television jokes.Subsequently it was announced that the building would be named " Citizens Square . "

  17. 该文从作者经历的台州市市民广场设计竞标的设计碰撞,分析了城市空间体系中现代城市广场发展的新的动向,提出适应现代城市广场发展的一些新的设计思想。

    This paper analyzes the new appearances of the modern city squares by a conflict of a city square design competition which the writer has taken , and brings forward the new design idea which is adjusted to the development of modern city squares .

  18. 他们对市政府广辟市民广场和修建街心花园等非常满意,而影响制约他们精神需求满足的因素有经济因素、家庭因素和充满矛盾的心理因素。

    The survey shows that aged people are very satisfied with the city 's building of civic squares and parks , but their whole satisfaction degree of mental demands is restricted by their economic and family state as well as their conflicting psychological factors .

  19. 泰达市民文化广场斜坡幕墙支承体系及钢结构的设计与研究

    Design and Research of Glass Curtain Wall and Steel Structure in Teda Citizen Culture Square

  20. 中国市民社会广场研究

    The studies of China civil society plazas

  21. 宜人化市民城市广场规划设计

    Planning and Design on Urban Squares

  22. 为了庆祝新年,许多市民正在向广场集中。

    Many people in that city are getting to the square to celebrate the New Year 's day .

  23. 埃及普通市民占领开罗解放广场(tahrirsquare)之时,拉开了穆巴拉克政权倒台的序幕。

    When ordinary citizens occupied Tahrir square , it was the beginning of the end for the Mubarak regime in Egypt .

  24. 摩德纳的大教堂、市民塔和大广场陈纳德航空队曾经广泛地参战⑶。

    The Cathedral , Torre Civica and Piazza Grande , Modena Chennault 's air fleet took an extensive part in the civil war . [ 3 ]