
chánɡ yā zhēnɡ liú
  • atmospheric distillation;air distillation
  1. 模式识别技术在常压蒸馏汽油收率调优中的应用

    Application of Pattern Recognition for Optimizing Gasoline Extraction Percent in Air Distillation

  2. 基于aspenplus的常压蒸馏装置流程优化

    Flow optimization of an atmospheric distillation unit based on aspen plus

  3. 河南固始鸡/华都肉鸡(AA鸡)分别经过同时蒸馏提取及高压蒸煮常压蒸馏溶剂萃取,香气提取物用Vigreux柱浓缩,然后用气质联用仪对其进行分析。

    Using simultaneous distillation extraction and pressure cooked / solvent extraction techniques , the volatile aroma compounds of Gushi chicken and A A chicken were investigated by means of GC / MS.

  4. 在原油常压蒸馏塔中的应用表明,BVT(3)浮阀塔板具有良好的特性,可提高轻质油收率,增大操作弹性。

    The industrial application in a crude atmospheric distillation column showed that BTV-3 had good performance , larger operation flexibility and better fractionation effect .

  5. 介绍了广州石油化工总厂研制开发的油溶性咪唑啉型缓蚀剂GAC-968在常压蒸馏塔中的应用试验情况。

    The oil-soluble imidazoline type corrosion inhibitor GAC-968 developed and manufactured by Guangzhou Petrochemical Complex was commercially experimented in crude oil atmospheric distillation tower .

  6. 加工含硫原油对常压蒸馏装置设备的腐蚀与防护

    Corrosion of Sulfur-Containing Crude toward Atmospheric Distillation Equipment and its Protection

  7. 基于过程模型的常压蒸馏装置在线能量优化

    A Process Model Based On-line Energy Optimization of Crude Oil Distillation

  8. 原油常压蒸馏过程简捷设计系统的开发

    Development of Shortcut Design for Atmospheric Distillation Process of Crude Petroleum

  9. 基于神经网络的炼油厂常压蒸馏350℃含量预测

    Prediction of Petrochemical Distillation 350 ℃ Fraction Based on Neural Network

  10. 常压蒸馏产品质量软测量改进方法及应用

    Improved Soft-sensor Method and its Applications to Crude Unit Product Quality

  11. 基于稳态模型的常压蒸馏塔在线优化控制

    On-line optimization of atmospheric distillation column based on steady state model

  12. 常压蒸馏提取硫磺渣中的元素硫

    Extraction of Element Sulfur from Sulfur Residue with Distillation under Normal Pressure

  13. 常压蒸馏装置提高轻质油收率的有效技术

    Technologies for increasing light oil yield of atmospheric distillation unit

  14. 原油常压蒸馏塔模拟软件的开发

    Development of simulating software for crude oil atmospheric distillation tower

  15. 原油常压蒸馏产品恩氏蒸馏数据的预测模型

    Predictive modeling for Engler distillation of the distillate from crude atmosphere column

  16. 常压蒸馏装置三级电脱盐改造成效

    Revamped to a Three-stage Electrostatic Desalter for Atmospheric Distillation Unit

  17. 立体传质塔板在常压蒸馏装置扩改中的应用

    Application of a new tower plate in atmospheric distillation unit

  18. 原油性质变化对常压蒸馏装置腐蚀的影响

    Impact of Crude Oil Property Change on Corrosion in Atmospheric Distillation Unit

  19. 常压蒸馏装置加设轻烃回收系统改造

    Adding a light hydrocarbon recovery system to atmospheric distillation unit

  20. 原油常压蒸馏塔非平衡级模型的建立与仿真

    Establishment of non-equilibrium dynamic model for crude atmospheric distillation column and its simulation

  21. 原油常压蒸馏塔稳态过程的数据协调与过失误差检测

    Data coordination and lapse error detection for steady-state process of crude atmospheric tower

  22. 常压蒸馏强化剂的研制与工业应用

    Preparation and application of intensified additives for atmospheric distilation

  23. 常压蒸馏装置提高经济效益的方法

    Methods to increase economic benefits of atmospheric distillation unit

  24. 常压蒸馏装置在役炉管材质分析

    Analyses on the Materials of the in-Service Furnace Tubes of Atmospheric Distillation Unit

  25. 扩大常压蒸馏装置加工能力的主要途径

    Main ways to expand capacities of crude distillation units

  26. 常压蒸馏塔模拟分析

    Simulation and Analysis of the Atmosphere Distillation Tower

  27. 原油常压蒸馏装置优化改造设计

    Modified Design of crude oil atmospherical distillation unit

  28. 而在水解结束后,只能通过常压蒸馏将有机相蒸出。

    After hydrolysis , organic phase oil can be distilled with vapor in normal temperature .

  29. 常压蒸馏装置的技术改造

    Technical transform of an atmospheric distillation unit

  30. 一种新的原油常压蒸馏过程

    A new process of crude atmospheric distillation