
  • 网络dry powder fire extinguisher;dry powder extinguisher;ABC;mfz
  1. 当喷射的火焰小到可以接近时,用二氧化碳或干粉灭火器扑灭火焰。

    When the jet is small enough to be approached , put out the flame with a carbon dioxide or dry powder extinguisher .

  2. 该区域应备有干粉灭火器。灭火装置要放在方便得到的位置。

    Dry powder fire extinguishers should be available in the area .

  3. 在带电情况下,可用二氧化碳和干粉灭火器扑救。

    Under electrified , could use the CO2 and the dust fire extinguishers .

  4. 火探管式自动探火灭火装置在电厂中的应用该区域应备有干粉灭火器。灭火装置要放在方便得到的位置。

    Application of Automatic Detecting and Fire Extinguishing Device in Power Plant Dry powder fire extinguishers should be available in the area .

  5. 干粉灭火器,作为常用灭火器材,因其具有流动性好,喷射率高,不腐蚀容器和不易变质等优良性能,具有广泛的市场需求。

    Dry powder fire extinguishers , as common fire fighting equipments , have extensive market demand because of their mobility , high injection rate , not corroding containers , non-perishable and other good performance .

  6. ABC(多用途干粉)灭火器可安全使用于任何种类的火源。

    Class ABC extinguishers are designed for safe use on any type of fire .

  7. 连续式干粉泡沫灭火器泡沫(贮压式)灭火器

    Dry powder continuous foam fire extinguisher foam type ( stored pressure ) extinguisher

  8. 连续式干粉泡沫灭火器连续循环通风式退火炉

    Dry powder continuous foam fire extinguisher