
  • 网络strike slip fault;strike-slip fault;transcurrent;transcurrent fault;parallel fault
  1. 通过数值计算得到了平移断层上滑移位移、速度及摩擦力的分布规律。

    The distribution of slip displacement , slip velocity and friction force on the strike slip fault were obtained by numerical simulation .

  2. 在此基础上,讨论了郯庐断裂带是否为巨大的左行平移断层或转换断层。

    On that basis , the paper discusses whether the Tanlu fault is a gigantic sinistral strike-slip fault or a transform fault .

  3. 珠江口盆地东部和台湾西部海域广泛分布的海相中生界发育3个方向的4种断层:NE向逆断层、NE向正断层、WNW&EW向正断层和NW向左行平移断层。

    Four types of faults trending in three directions have developed in marine Mesozoic of the eastern Pearl River Mouth basin and offshore western Taiwan , including NE ? trending reverse faults , NE ? trending normal faults , WNW-EW ?

  4. 平移断层的倾角对地震产生的影响

    Dip Angle Effects on Earthquake Nucleation with Strike Slip Fault

  5. 关于中小型平移断层的探讨

    Study on Small and Medium Mould Strike-Slip Faults

  6. 利用边界单元法和滑移弱化摩擦本构关系分析了平移断层上地震的产生。

    Earthquake nucleation with strike slip fault was analyzed by means of the variational boundary integral method and slip weakening friction law .

  7. 该带由韧性又脆性冲断层、平移断层,以及各种岩块、构造岩片等组合而成。

    The said frac-ture zone is composed of a series of ductile and brittle thrust faults , strike-slip faults and blocks as well as tectonic slices .

  8. 分析了平移断层单独存在及其与其它构造相伴生时对煤层的破坏及对采掘工程的影响,从而得出规律性的认识。

    Analyzed the strike-slip fault whether it is existed alone or associated with other structures , its breakdown to coal seams and influence on mining engineering , thus regularity cognition is obtained .

  9. 本文针对不同性质的断层作用于隧道围岩的不同灾害类型及力学机制,根据研究需要,将断层分为正断层、平移断层与逆断层三大类;

    According to different types of disaster and mechanism of around rock mass under different faults , for study necessary , faults may be classified as three types , down fault , shift fault and reverse fault .

  10. 探讨了煤系地层中存在的中小型平移断层的特征和形成机制,并对其断层效应进行了分析,提出了计算其走向断距的数学模型,对于准确寻找断失盘煤层具有很大的实用价值。

    The paper discusses the features and fonn mechanisms of small and medium mould strike-slip faults in coal mines , analyses their fracturing effect , highlights mathematical moulds of trend stratum separation distance , which have great applied value for locating lost ledge .

  11. 而花岗岩穹隆的西北侧则主要表现为较浅层次的正断层及平移正断层。

    On the other hand , the NW side of the granite dome is mainly manifested by a shallower-level normal fault and normal-strike slip fault .

  12. 地壳深部结构的不稳定性以及侧向应力和垂向应力共同作用下的平移正断层错动,可能是该带地震孕育、发生的一种重要机制。

    Unstability of the deep structures in the crust and strike - slip - normal faulting produced by the combined effects of horizontal and vertical stresses may be one kind of important mechanism to result in earthquakes .