
pínɡ shì xiǎn shì qì
  • head-up display
  1. 某型飞机平视显示器非线性误差校正的研究

    Correction of non-liner error in head-up display on some type military airplane

  2. 某型外场用平视显示器视准仪校靶原理

    The Mechanism of Head-Up Display Sight Calibrator Used in Outfield

  3. 平视显示器是现代作战飞机中必不可少的装备,飞行员通过平视显示器能够同时对CRT图像与外景进行观察。

    HUD is essential in modern combat aircraft . The location and display images can be observed simultaneously by the use of HUD .

  4. 本文首先讨论汽车平视显示器(HUD)中,显示图象的感觉和俯角之间的关系。

    First this paper discusses the relation between perception of displayed image and angle of depression in automotive Head_Up Displays ( HUDs ) .

  5. 一种新方案就是研制头盔平视显示器。

    A new scheme develop exactly helmet head up display .

  6. 本实验是关于飞机平视显示器高度字符的工程心理学研究。

    This experiment in engineering psychology studied altittidesymbols of airplane head-up displays .

  7. 关于平视显示器环境应力筛选试验条件的分析

    Analysis on conditions of environmental stress screening test for HUDs

  8. 平视显示器教学模拟器改进设计研究

    An Ameliorative Design Research for the Teaching Simulator of HUD

  9. 平视显示器字符功能板电路改进设计

    An Ameliorative Design for the Character Function Board of HUD

  10. 平视显示器的机上安装研究

    An investigation on installation of head-up display on aircraft

  11. 平视显示器透镜的温度应力研究

    Study on Temperature Influence to the Lens of HUD

  12. 全息透镜在平视显示器中的应用

    Application of Holographic Lens in Head Up Display

  13. 平视显示器的装机工程设计研究

    Study on installation of head-up display on aircraft

  14. 平视显示器的视差调校研究

    Study on adjustment and correction of HUD parallax

  15. 论述平视显示器光学系统的构造原理和设计方案。

    The construction principle and the design scheme on head up disp-lay are expounded .

  16. 某型平视显示器非线性失真的校正

    Correction of Non-Liner Distortion in Head-up Display

  17. 直升机用眼镜式微型平视显示器

    Miniature HUD of Glasses Model for Helicopters

  18. 平视显示器的设计

    The design of head-up display

  19. 本文介绍了头盔平视显示器的结构、特点、新技术和应用。

    This article introduced strucre , ad-vantages , new technology and use of helmet head up display .

  20. 瞬时视场是平视显示器的重要技术指标之一。

    An instantaneous field of view is a importance technology guide line of the head - up display .

  21. 本实验是通过计算机系统、平视显示器系统及歼-5模拟驾驶舱实现的。

    The experiment was carried out by using a computer system , aHead-up Display ( HUD ) system , and the analog control cabin of Fighter-5 .

  22. 挡风玻璃内侧有一架平视显示器,正好在我的视线下方,突然屏幕上出现活动着的白色人影。

    A head-up display ( HUD ) on the inside of the windshield , just below my line of vision , suddenly comes alive wit white human silhouettes .

  23. 平视显示器图像源上同一光点给出的瞄准线束的不平行性称为平视显示器的视差。

    Parallax of Head Up Display ( HUD ) refers to the unparallelism of aiming beams sent from the same light point on the imaging source of HUD .

  24. 它由声音指令操作,使用与现代喷气式战斗机相同的平视显示器系统(前窗玻璃映像显示系统),并且把数据投射在挡风玻璃上。

    It was operated by voice commands and projected its data on to the windscreen , using the same sort of head-up display system found in modern fighter jets .

  25. 预计苹果今年将很可能以一种更有限的方式重新启动这一理念,毕竟在许多工作中,配备平视显示器将是非常有帮助的。

    Expect it to reboot the idea this year , probably in a more limited way : there are many jobs where having a heads-up display would be very useful .

  26. 介绍了微机在平显模拟器上的应用,叙述了如何利用硬件模拟和软件控制产生出平视显示器所需要的各种信号。

    The application of computer in head-up display simulator is introduced and how to produce various signals required by head-up display simulator based on hardware simulation and software control is described .

  27. 用重铬酸盐明胶介质记录了用于飞机平视显示器的平面离轴反射全息目视显示元件。

    Off-axial reflection holographic visual display elements which records in dichro-mated gelatin ( DCG ) deposited on planar substrate of glass has been developed for pilot head-up display ( HUD ) .

  28. 尽管平视显示器,头盔显示器已成为现代武装直升机航空电子设备的重要组成部分,但它们存在着许多问题而不得不采取其它措施。

    Head up display , helmet display exist many problem , thorght they have became already important composition part of modern combat helicopter avionics and therefor we have to take other measures .