
  • 网络Sun Yat-sen Library of Guangdong Province
  1. 广东省立中山图书馆的数字化资源建设与利用

    Digital Resource Development and Exploitation of Sun Yat-Sen Library of Guangdong Province

  2. 广东省立中山图书馆近年来中文图书采购工作统计分析

    A Statistic and Analysis on the Chinese Books'Acquisition in Sun Yat-Sen Library of Guangdong Province

  3. 广东省立中山图书馆缩微文献全文数据库的建设与利用

    Construction and Use of Whole-length Database of Microform Document in Sun Yat-sen Library of Guangdong Province

  4. 广东省立中山图书馆联合参考咨询网的发展对策

    The Measures for Developing the Combined Reference and Consultation Network of Sun Yat-sen Library in Gu and ong Province

  5. 孙中山文献数字化的建设及实现的理想模式&以广东省立中山图书馆为例

    The Construction and Ideal Realization Mode of Sun Yat-sen Literature 's Digitalization & A case of Sun Yat-sen Library of Guangdong Province

  6. 最后,依据本文的研究思路,对广东省立中山图书馆信息整合目前状况提出完善建议与发展目标。

    At last , the paper proposes a sound proposal and development objectives of the current status of the integration for Guangdong provincial zhongshan library .

  7. 介绍数字化时代建设复合型图书馆的重要现实意义,广东省立中山图书馆建设复合型图书馆的基本思路,以及该馆建设复合型图书馆的方法、步骤和开展多元化服务所取得的重大社会效益。

    The paper briefly introduces the important significance of constructing complex library in the digital times , the basic routes , methods , and steps of Sun Yatsen Library of Guangdong Province to construct complex library , as well as the great social effects they have achieved in developing multiservice .