
  • 网络Guangzhou science city
  1. 广州科学城中心区城市设计&中国广州

    Guangzhou Science City Center Urban Design & Guangzhou , China

  2. 广州科学城灌丛群落特征与景观改造

    Characteristics of Shrub Communities and Landscape Reformation in Guangzhou Science City , Guangdong Province

  3. 公司按照WHO要求在风景秀丽的广州科学城投资建成了GMP生产厂房。

    Regenex has build a brand new facility in astonishingly beautiful the Science Park of Guangzhou according to WHO 's GMP standards .

  4. 广州科学城中心区商务生态办公楼方案设计

    Ecological Business Building Design in the Central Scientific Town of Guangzhou

  5. 广州科学城道路及市政配套工程设计

    Design of Road and Municipal Conveyance Project of Science City in Guangzhou City

  6. 广州科学城保利林语山庄高边坡支护工程的实践

    Practice of High Slope Support Project in Guangzhou

  7. 广州科学城综合研发中心孵化区悬挑钢桁架的设计

    Design of Steel Cantilever Truss for Hatchery of Synthesis Research Center in City of Guangzhou Science

  8. 本文介绍广州科学城科东、科永大道开发建没中的前期工作管理。

    The paper introduces the working management in the early stage of the development construction of Kedong and Keyong Avenues of Guangzhou Science City .

  9. 广州科学城位于广州东北部,规划用地总面积为37.47平方公里,属广州开发区管理。

    Guangzhou Science City ( GSC ) is located in the northeast of Guangzhou , which covers an area of 37.47 square kilometers in total .

  10. 文章针对广州科学城网球中心工程实例,重点介绍了节能设计、环保设计及人性化设计在建筑设计中的应用。

    By the experience of Guangzhou tennis centre , the article especially introduces the application of the energy saving design , humanity design and environment protection design in architecture area .

  11. 广州市科学城及其规划建设的思索

    Guangzhou Science City : Its Planning and Construction

  12. 龙光香悦山位于广州萝岗区科学城,是萝岗区科学城内唯一在售的纯别墅项目。

    Located in Science City , Luogang District , Guangzhou , Longguang ? Fragrant Hill is the only villa community for sale within Science City . Longguang ?