
  • 网络guangzhou library
  1. 数字图书馆的发展与广州图书馆的对策

    The Development of Digital Libraries and strategies for Guangzhou Library

  2. 广州图书馆2003年图书资料实施政府采购情况分析及建议

    Analysis and Suggestion on Book Government-purchase of Guangzhou Library

  3. 欢迎来到广州图书馆。

    Welcome to Guangzhou Library .

  4. 今天第一次去广州图书馆英语沙龙,收获颇多。

    Today I went to the english corner in library of guangzhou at first , and had a great harvest !

  5. 三缺一情境下的空间演绎与营造&广州图书馆新馆设计竞赛评析

    Spatial Illation and Creation in the Context of Needing a Fourth Player & Review and Analysis of Architectural Design Competition for the New Building of Guangzhou Library

  6. 图书馆媒体新闻信息开发研究&以广州大学图书馆为例

    To Research for the News Information of Media Exploit in Library

  7. 广州新图书馆结构设计中若干关键问题

    Key problems of Guangzhou New Library Building structure design

  8. 图书馆建筑的理想与现实&广州新图书馆建设启迪

    The Ideal and Reality of Library Construction & enlightenment of Guangzhou new library construction

  9. 广州高校图书馆文献资源建设现状与发展策略

    On the Status and Development Strategy of Documentary Resource Construction in University Libraries in Guangzhou

  10. 论高校图书馆样本书库的管理工作&以广州大学图书馆为例

    On the University Library Sample Library Management

  11. 第三部分运用正装分析法对广州新图书馆结构施工过程进行了仿真计算。

    The third part of this dissertation does the simulation analysis of construction process for Guangzhou New Library using the forward analysis .

  12. 这种发展趋势将给广州高校图书馆信息服务管理带来新的机遇和挑战。

    This trend will bring new opportunities and challenges to the management of information service ( MIS ) of university libraries in Guangzhou .

  13. 公共图书馆城乡一体化服务体系建设研究&以广州公共图书馆建设实践为例

    A Study on the Service System of Urban-rural Integration of Public Library & Taking the construction of public libraries of Guangzhou as an example

  14. 高校图书馆信息服务社会化刍议&以广州大学图书馆驻市政务服务中心资讯厅服务为例

    A Research on the Socialization of Information Service of Academic Library & A Case Study : Guangzhou University Library , the Information Hall of Guangzhou Government Affairs Center

  15. 《古汉英粤方言字典的电子化及其保护与应用研究》是广州大学图书馆承担该校科研项目之一。

    Research on preserving and applying an electronic dictionary of the archaic Canton dialect dictionaries is an intramural scientific research item assumed by the library of Guangzhou University .

  16. 以数字图书馆推进图书事业的城乡统筹发展公共图书馆城乡一体化服务体系建设研究&以广州公共图书馆建设实践为例

    Building Digital Library to Make Integrated Development of the City and Countryside ; A Study on the Service System of Urban-rural Integration of Public Library & Taking the construction of public libraries of Guangzhou as an example

  17. 如何应对这些机遇和挑战,改革和创新信息服务管理,为用户提供高质量的信息资源,提升信息服务管理整体水平,是广州高校图书馆发展和飞跃的关键。

    How to counter these opportunities and challenges , innovate the MIS , provide the high-quality information resources to the users , improve the level of MIS , is the essentials of development of university libraries in Guangzhou .

  18. 柏林中央暨州立图书馆的发展历史与服务管理世界级城市图书馆系列研究之四高校图书馆信息服务社会化刍议以广州大学图书馆驻市政务服务中心资讯厅服务为例

    Berlin Central and Regional Library International Metropolitan Library Study ( Part ⅳ) A Research on the Socialization of Information Service of Academic Library A Case Study : Guangzhou University Library , the Information Hall of Guangzhou Government Affairs Center

  19. 广州市公共图书馆视障群体服务现状研究

    A Study of Guangzhou Public Library Services for the Visually Impaired Groups

  20. 对广州大学城图书馆建设的几点建议

    Several Suggestions on the Construction of the Library of Guangzhou 's University City

  21. 关于广州少年儿童图书馆可持续发展战略的思考

    Thoughts about the Revelation of Sustainable Development Strategy to the Guangzhou Juvenile Library

  22. 广州地区医学图书馆开展循证医学信息服务的调查分析

    An Investigation and Analysis on the EBM Information Service of the Medical Libraries in Guangzhou

  23. 广州市属公共图书馆现状调查分析

    Analysis of Public Librarianship of Guangzhou

  24. 广州大学城图书馆联合数字参考咨询服务探究

    Study on the Collaborative Digital Reference Service of Libraries in Guangzhou Mega city of Higher Learning

  25. 从图书流通数据分析大学生的阅读倾向&以广州美术学院图书馆为例

    Discussion on the Reading Trend of University Students According to the Book Circulation Data of Library & Taking Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts as an Example

  26. 广州大学城图书馆通借通还模式探析私立广州大学就是这些私立大学中的一个代表。

    An Analysis of Universal-Circulating Service Model for the Libraries in Higher Education Mega Center of Guangzhou Canton University was a representative that had a brilliant history and distinct style .

  27. 基于广州市高校图书馆文献资源建设的现状与发展,分析了文献资源建设取得的主要进展和存在问题。

    Based on the status and development of documentary resource construction in university libraries in Guangzhou , the paper analyses the main advances and existed problems in documentary resource construction .

  28. 广州大学城高校图书馆信息资源共建共享SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis on Cooperative Development and Sharing of Library Information Resources in Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center

  29. 广州地区少年儿童图书馆事业的现状及发展对策

    The Present Situation and Developing Countermeasure of Juvenile 's Library in Guangzhou Region

  30. 广州地区独立学院图书馆网站建设研究

    Research on the Library Website Construction of the Independent Colleges in Guangzhou Area