
  1. 认知效果、情感效果和意动效果之间的相互关系主要表现为:广告的认知效果、情感效果和意动效果之间并不存在必然的因果联系,而且记忆效果与情感效果在很多情况下会相悖而驰。

    There is not inevitable cause-and-effect relationship among the cognitive effect , emotional effect and meaning between dynamic effect , but also the memory effect and emotional effect in many cases will be inconsistent .

  2. 广告作用的心理机制、消费者对广告的认知和广告效果及其测定这三个领域是研究重点,其中又以广告作用的心理机制最受关注。

    Psychological mechanism of advertising , consumers ' perception of advertising and advertising effects & measurements were the emphases of the research , and psychological mechanism of advertising was the top one which gained the most attention .