
  • 网络vulgar sociology
  1. 这一解构的对象既包括内容压倒形式的庸俗社会学,又包括形式压倒内容的形式主义文论。

    This object of deconstruction includes vulgar sociology and formalism literary theory .

  2. 警惕文学批评中的庸俗社会学倾向&就《当前知识分子题材小说创作的缺失》与张克明先生商榷

    Guard against the tendency towards vulgar sociology in literary critics

  3. 庸俗社会学三题

    Three Topics on Vulgar Sociology

  4. 它区别于利用中国符号所做的所谓中国艺术,也区别于时下流行的庸俗社会学的艺术。

    It is different from the so-called Chinese arts made by Chinese symbols and popularly vulgar sociological arts .

  5. 庸俗社会学的认识论根源,在于以牛顿天体力学和笛卡尔二元论为内核的经典科学观。

    The theory of knowledge of vulgar sociology roots in the classical outlook on science with Newton 's Celestial Mechanics and Dualism of Descartes as the core .

  6. 不平衡说是针对庸俗经济学和庸俗社会学的。

    Disequilibrium theory aims at vulgar economics and vulgar sociology .