
yōng cái
  • mediocrity;mediocre person;philistine
庸才 [yōng cái]
  • [philistine] 指才智平庸或能力低下的人

  • 徒有虚名,乃庸才耳!--《三国演义》

庸才[yōng cái]
  1. 试论高校辅导员队伍中的庸才沉淀现象

    On the " Mediocrity Precipitation " Phenomenon of College Student Counselor-Teams

  2. 借着转变,化庸才为天才。

    The transformation of mediocrity into genius through transmutation .

  3. 只有懒汉庸才才会留恋那大锅饭的年代。

    Only lazybones and mediocre persons could hanker after the days of messing together .

  4. 这样的庸才怎么能当公司的董事长?

    How could such a nonentity become chairman of the company ?

  5. 庸才就是美国所谓的教师助理。

    Dongs are what you Americans so eloquently call teaching assistants .

  6. 他们看起来像一批毫不起眼的碌碌庸才。

    They seemed to be a drab assortment of mediocrities .

  7. 不招人妒是庸才,对吧?

    Only an idiot will not be envied , right ?

  8. 不论在足球,还是其他方面,保护主义只能培养庸才。

    In football , as elsewhere , protectionism merely coddles the mediocre .

  9. 你最后会成为富有的庸才。

    You 'll wind up a rich mediocrity .

  10. 陛下身边遍布庸才和狂热的信徒。但是他唯独信任你。戴佛斯。

    He 's surrounded by fools and fanatics , but he trusts you , Davos .

  11. 真正的庸才最典型的特点是:他(或她)会坚决抵制进步。

    The defining characteristic of a true dud is that he or she resists improvement staunchly .

  12. 第三种选择是得过且过,裁掉几个庸才,容忍其他的。

    The third option is to muddle through , shedding a few duds and tolerating the rest .

  13. 一个人全面发展当然好,但可能越全面发展越是个庸才。

    Full development is of course a good one , but the more likely the more comprehensive development of a mediocrity .

  14. 首先是尝试通过培训以及“大棒和胡萝卜”相结合的政策,让这些庸才发生改变。

    The first is to try , through training and a mixture of stick and carrot , to convert duds into non-duds .

  15. 在所有行业中,庸才都明显过剩;问题是如何对待这些人。

    There is a massive oversupply of duds in all walks of life ; the problem is what to do about it .

  16. 因为只有那些想要诺贝尔头衔的机构才“需要身上点缀‘斯德哥尔摩’魔力光环的庸才”。

    The Nobel laureate is in demand only from organizations " in need of a mortal sprinkled with Stockholm 's magic dust " .

  17. 他努力想要制作一部自己的电影,但尚未成功,他说主要是因为他不想求那些商业庸才们帮忙。

    His efforts to produce his own movies have been unsuccessful , mainly , he said , because he refuses to appeal to commercial mediocrity .

  18. 所有那些聪敏的、有竞争力的人都聚在一个温室,但没有几个“庸才”来阻止这些人发明如此复杂、无人能够参透的金融衍生品。

    All those clever , competitive people in a hothouse together without a few duds to discourage them from inventing derivatives so complicated that no one could understand them .

  19. 自肯尼亚1963年从英国的殖民统治下独立,这个国家就面临着改善铁道系统的失败,奥廷加先生称之为“这是我国长久重用庸才的结果”。

    He calls the failure to add an inch of track to the railway system since independence from Britain in1963 ," a strong statement about the mediocrity with which this country has been run " .