
  • 网络messianic;Messias;The Messiah
  1. 导致他自我认为他是弥赛亚。

    Which causes him to think that he is the messiah .

  2. 他们也处决其他1世纪的弥赛亚人物。

    They also executed other messiah figures in the first century .

  3. Eved成立之初,公司创始人兼CEO塔利亚o弥赛亚追逐的目标是戴尔(Dell)等大公司。

    Talia Mashiach , founder and CEO of Eved , went after large firms like Dell when her company was still in its early stages .

  4. 关于意识问题当代俄语生态文学中的弥赛亚意识

    Messianic Consciousness in Contemporary Russian Eco-Literature On the Consciousness of Problems

  5. 原因就在弥赛亚的使命里。

    The reason is found in the mission of the messiah .

  6. 弥赛亚岂是从加利利出来的吗?

    Who says the Messiah is supposed to come from Galilee ?

  7. 噢,哥哥请回家,回到弥赛亚的家

    Elder brother , please be back Home , the Home of Messiah

  8. 叶灵凤《拿撒勒人》中的弥赛亚与超人情结

    Messiah in Nazarene by Ye Lingfeng and Complex of Superman

  9. 他们这样做是因为他是弥赛亚。

    They 're doing this because he 's the messiah .

  10. 但弥赛亚清楚,海外有更多机会。

    But Mashiach knew that there was a bigger opportunity out there .

  11. 基本原则,哈桑,你不可能杀死弥赛亚的。

    Rule of thumb , Hassan , you can 't kill the Messiah .

  12. 耶稣是先知,也许还被视为弥赛亚。

    Jesus is a prophet ; maybe he 's even considered the Messiah .

  13. 但是一个由律法预言的弥赛亚?

    But a Messiah as foretold by the torah ?

  14. 论瓦尔特·本雅明弥赛亚主义的文学批评观

    On Messiah Concept of Walter Benjamin 's Literary Criticism

  15. 弥赛亚主义的革命实践:布洛赫和本雅明

    The Revolutionary Practice of Messianism : Bloch and Benjamin

  16. 让他们找出弥赛亚。

    Let them find out where the Messiah is .

  17. 希伯来文中的“弥赛亚”和“基督”是同样的意思。

    " Messiah " in Hebrew has the same meaning as " Christ " .

  18. 你受到启发黑暗弥赛亚?

    Have you been inspired by dark messiah ?

  19. 因她的子民全是圣洁,而主弥赛亚就是他们的王。

    For all will be holy , and their king is the Lord Messiah .

  20. 他自称是弥赛亚,把他的教堂变成了一个世界性的信仰运动的地方。

    He was the self-proclaimed messiah who turned his church into a worldwide belivers'movement .

  21. 有各种各样的人,认为弥赛亚就在身边。

    There were all kinds of people who thought & the Messiah was around .

  22. 历史上曾有许多受膏者,但只有一位弥赛亚,就是基督。

    There have been many anointed ones but only one Messiah who is Christ .

  23. 不是一个将称自己为弥赛亚的人吗?

    A man ready to proclaim himself messiah ?

  24. 你怀疑他是弥赛亚么?

    Do you doubt he 's the messiah ?

  25. 讲述《马太福音》是用哪种方式来表明耶稣就是应许中的弥赛亚。

    Describe the ways in which Matthew shows that Jesus was the promised Jewish Messiah .

  26. 还是自称弥赛亚救世主的耶稣?

    Or jesus , called the messiah ?

  27. 他们必须重新想出新的概念来解释,犹太人的弥赛亚到底是什么。

    They basically had to invent a new concept of what the Jewish Messiah was .

  28. 弥赛亚会拯救我们的!

    The Messiah will save us !

  29. 然后他断然嘱咐,不可对人说他是弥赛亚。

    Then he sternly ordered the disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah .

  30. 在古代把一个人叫作弥赛亚,并不代表他就是神。

    Calling someone the Messiah in the ancient world didn 't mean that he was divine .