
  1. 谁能忘记他去年在聚会上的讲话呢?

    Who could forget his speech at last year 's party ?

  2. 我已经忘记他所在公司的名称。

    I 've forgotten what the firm he works for is called .

  3. 我们永远不会忘记他生动有趣的教学。

    We 'll never forget his lively and interesting teaching .

  4. 一旦你遇到了那个特别的人,你永远不会忘记他/她。

    Once you have met someone , you never really forget them .

  5. 我之所以在这里尽力把他描写出来,就是为了不要忘记他。

    If I try to describe him here , it is to make sure that I shall not forget him .

  6. 你跟Big约会了一年,也就是说你要花6个月才能忘记他。

    You and Big only went out for a year . That means she 's got five more months to get over him .

  7. n.疼痛vi.疼痛;渴望那男孩正试图忘记他背上的疼痛。

    ache The boy is trying to forget the ache in his back .

  8. 今年4月在奥古斯塔国家高尔夫俱乐部(AugustaNationalGolfClub),布巴·沃森(BubbaWatson)经过苦战夺得美国高尔夫大师赛的冠军。全世界的高尔夫球迷尚未忘记他夺冠后开心流泪的一幕。

    Golf fans across the globe are yet to forget Bubba Watson 's tears of joy following his hard-fought Masters victory at the Augusta National Golf Club in April .

  9. 他待人那么厚道,我们永远不会忘记他。

    His kindness was such that we will never forget him .

  10. 很容易就忘记他只有16岁

    it 's easy to forget that he 's only 16 .

  11. 忘记他吧&他并不值得你注意。

    Forget about him & he 's not worth a bean .

  12. 他们没有忘记他母亲的那双奇异闪亮的眸子,

    They remembered the strange , burning eyes of his mother .

  13. 我们有时会忘记他,难道不是吗?

    We sometimes forget this about the guy , don 't we ?

  14. 我不会忘记他拥抱我时有多么紧。

    I 'll never forget how tight he held me .

  15. 他自己的老百姓可从来没有忘记他曾经是一头驴子。

    His own people never forgot that he had been a donkey .

  16. 人们没有忘记他所留下的宝贵文学遗产。

    The people have not forgotten the valuable literary heritage he left .

  17. 他永远不会忘记他参军的哪一天。

    I 'll never forget the day when he joined the army .

  18. 我努力忘记他,但是做不到。

    I tried without success to dismiss him memory from my thought .

  19. 他的子孙永远不会忘记他是真正的伟人。

    Posterity will remember him as a truly great man .

  20. 我要看着你的脸说不顾一切的忘记他。

    I wanna see your face and say forget it just from spite .

  21. 但是我没法忘记他死了。

    But I can 't get past the fact that he 's dead .

  22. 他从不曾忘记他要帮助他人的誓言。

    He always remembered his vow to help others .

  23. 我永远也不会忘记他说过的话。

    I 'll never forget what he said . '

  24. 他付我钱让我忘记他做的破事

    to pay me to forget about all the crap he 's done .

  25. 是个不平凡的人,我们永远不会忘记他。

    Stan was one of those extraordinary people who will never be forgotten .

  26. 为什么几年了自己还是不能忘记他呢?

    How many year oneself haven 't been why able to forget him ?

  27. 我无论在哪里都永远不会忘记他对我说过的话。

    I will never forget what he said to me wherever I go .

  28. 他永远不会忘记他从学校毕业的那一天。

    He will never forget the day when he graduated from the school .

  29. 我希望,你能够忘记他。

    And I would like you to forget him .

  30. 他倾吐了对她的爱意,女孩感动得流下了泪水。看上去她一直没有忘记他!

    He confessed his love for her and the girl was moved to tears .