
  • 网络Total Utility
  1. 假设存在这种标准,则帕累托改善能够增加总效用;

    Provided such a standard exists , pareto improvements increase total utility ;

  2. 帕累托判断是依据个人偏好的需求而做出的,而不是依总效用做出。

    Pareto judgments are expressed in terms of orderings of individual preferences rather than in terms of total utility .

  3. 人们选择Linux这样的操作系统,是因为它在各方面的优点&它的总效用。

    The reason people go for an operating system like Linux is the sum of its parts & its total usefulness .

  4. 文章将2×2的Bertrand模型引入到分析网络电视的运营模式中,具体分析了四种基本的市场结构,并进行价格和社会总效用相互比较。

    By applying 2 × 2 Bertrand model to the analysis of IPTV modes , the paper analyzes four basic market structures , makes a comparison between price and total social utilities .

  5. 基于客户忠诚度的客户关系管理总效用最大化研究

    Influence of customer loyalty on utility maximization in customer relationship management

  6. 高校教师的利益需求分为物质需求和精神需求两部分,它符合人们一般的需求规律:物质需求与精神需求之间存在替代性、互补性和交融性,并追求总效用最大化。

    The material needs and spiritual needs differ from and complement each other .

  7. 虽然带来的总效用仍然是增加的。

    Although bring total effectiveness is remained increase .

  8. 个人偏好理论、总效用理论与社会福利理论之间有个重要的区别。

    There is an important distinction among individual preference theories , total utility theories , and social welfare theories .

  9. 合理的产权制度使稀缺资源得到有效配置,最终引起社会总效用增加。

    A reasonable property right system enables the efficient allocation of scarce resources , eventually increases total social utility .

  10. 构建了个人所得税的总效用函数,通过极值问题求解个人所得税收入能力的最优点。

    Constructing of a personal income tax utility function solves the optimal of tax capacity of personal income tax by extremal method .

  11. 适度的社会保障偿付能力不仅是社会保障经济功能的体现,而且也是社会总效用最大化的要求。

    A suitable social security solvency would reflect the economic function of social security and the maximized condition of the total social effectiveness .

  12. 在此基础上,根据合作博弈理论提出了一个基于纳什讨价还价解的合作带宽分配策略。该策略给出了用户之间的合作条件以及合作方式,能够有效地提高用户各自的效用以及系统的总效用。

    Then , a cooperative bandwidth allocation strategy based on Nash bargaining solution is proposed , which effectively increases the utility of user and the entire system .

  13. 接着,以性别歧视为例,运用模型对大学生初次就业歧视以及发生歧视行前后对社会总效用的影响进行分析。

    Thereafter , the paper constructs a model and analyzes discrimination in graduates ' first time job search and the influence that the discrimination behavior makes to total social utility .

  14. 同时,在存在代理人道德风险的情况下,阻碍资本外流契约所规定的撤资高额违约金会妨碍区域经济总效用最大化的实现。

    While the agents ' moral risk exists , the high amount of fine for breach of contract determined by the contract of preventing capital effusion will prevent the realization of utmost total utility of regional economy .

  15. 通过收益函数与成本函数,建立了个人所得税的社会总效用函数,将个人所得税收入能力的最优问题转化为求解总效用函数的极值问题,从而确定个人所得税最优收入能力点的数理条件。

    By building personal income tax utility function including social cost-benefit function , the problem of the optimal tax capacity of personal income tax turn into question of the utility function for solving extremum problem . 4 .

  16. 和谐社会实现的过程应该是社会总效用最大化以及福利社会的构建过程,她是社会剩余共享的社会,但绝不是均享的社会;

    The process of this society 's realization should be a process of optimization of the total social effect and of the construction of a welfare Society . This society is one of jointly rather than equally sharing the social surplus .

  17. 针对目前中国公路建设项目评价内容和方法的局限性,依据效用理论,建立了公路建设项目总效用评价指标体系,对社会评价和环境评价内容进行了补充和完善。

    The limitation of evaluation content and method on highway construction projects at present in China is discussed . According to utility theory , a total utility evaluation indices system on highway construction projects is set up , which complements and perfects the content of society and environment evaluation indices .

  18. 第2种拥塞控制策略同时考虑MAC层时间限制和二进制干扰模型限制,使系统中总的流效用之和达到比例公平。

    The MAC time constraint and binary interference model constraint are considered in the second congestion control scheme . The goal is to obtain proportional fairness for the sum of each flow utility .

  19. 之前的主流经济学家倾向于在代表性个人分析框架中,通过加总个人的效用函数得到社会总福利函数,然后对不同的收入分配结构进行评价。

    The earlier economists tended to do the analysis in the framework of representative person , by adding the total individual utility functions to get the social welfare function .

  20. 通过定义一个负效用函数来衡量设施对于居民区产生的影响,建立了最小化总成本和负效用的两层物流网络的多目标优化模型。

    A negative utility function is defined to measure the impact imposed by facility on dwelling zone . A multi-objective model is developed . Two objectives , minimization of the overall cost and minimization of negative utility are addressed .