
zǒng jī
  • switchboard;telephone exchange;office equipment
总机 [zǒng jī]
  • [switchboard;telephone exchange] 在一定区域内,许多电话线路汇总的装置

总机[zǒng jī]
  1. 你先打电话到总机,然后要求转分机410。

    Call the switchboard and ask for extension 410 .

  2. 打电话投诉的观众使总机应接不暇。

    Viewers jammed the switchboard with complaints .

  3. 他请求接到总机。

    He asked to be connected to the central switchboard .

  4. 他要求转接到伦敦大学的电话总机。

    He asked to be connected to the central switchboard at London University

  5. 在一个多小时内,成百上千的来电使得英国广播公司的总机应接不暇。

    Hundreds of callers jammed the BBC switchboard for more than an hour

  6. 他让总机接线员将劳拉所有的电话都转给他。

    He instructed switchboard staff to divert all Laura 's calls to him .

  7. 很多人想买季票,电话总机一天到晚忙个不停。

    The telephone exchange has been jammed all day with people wanting to buy season tickets .

  8. 打来投诉的电话太多了,公司的电话总机应接不暇。

    The company 's switchboard was jammed with complaints .

  9. JDT型调度电话总机的设计与研制

    Design and implementation of JDT series dispatching telephone control boards

  10. 设计CTC总机仿真子系统与各个模块之间的传输信息的具体内容及格式。

    CTC switchboard design simulation modules with various sub-systems to transmit information between the specific content and format . 4 .

  11. 总机接线员接到监控中心火警确认信息后立刻通知酒店危机管理委员会成员立刻前往CCTV集合。

    Once the fire alarm is confirmed , GSC shall immediately inform the Crisis Management Team members and request them to go to the CCTV room immediately .

  12. IVR业务即交互式语音应答业务,实现了总机功能、人工客服、自动语音报读等。

    IVR service that is interactive voice response services , realizes a switchboard function , artificial customer service , and automatic voice report .

  13. 本文以C++Builder为平台,利用组件技术设计实现CTC总机仿真子系统的功能,并通过Socket控件实现其与其它子系统之间的通信。

    C + + Builder as a platform in this paper , the use of component technology designed to achieve CTC functions , and the same control over the realization of its Socket and other communications between the subsystems . 5 .

  14. 文中论述了电力调度通信网中智能终端设备的特点,介绍了JDT型总机的电气框图、支撑软件及系统应用问题。

    This paper discusses the characteristics of intelligent terminal equipment used in the electric power dispatching telecommunication network . Electrical block diagram , supporting software and system applications of the JDT series dispatching telephone control boards arc also introduced .

  15. 我们回来前由巴巴拉管理电话总机。

    Barbara will man the telephone switchboard till we get back .

  16. 电话总机接线员六点至九点值班。

    The switchboard operator is on duty from 6 to 9 .

  17. 我们办公室的微机与伦敦总机相联接。

    Our office microcomputers interface with the mainframe computer in London .

  18. 所有打进大楼的电话都由总机转接。

    All the calls into the building go through the switchboard .

  19. 具有200业务的单位总机下全自动电话计费管理系统

    An Automatic Telephone Charge Administration System with 200 Service Under PBX

  20. 总机!请帮我接通辅仁大学好吗?

    Central ! Can you put me through to Fujen university ?

  21. 记者招待会后,总机就被打爆了。

    The switchboard 's been jammed ever since the press conference .

  22. 我上班的时候也要当总机接线生的。

    On my job I had to work as a switchboard operator .

  23. 他正在学习操作这部新的电话总机。

    He is learning to operate the new telephone switchboard .

  24. 总机!有人串线了。

    Central ! Someone else be talking over the wire .

  25. 智能总机的概念及技术实现

    The Conception and Technology Realization of Intellect Telephone Exchange

  26. 他请电话总机接线员给他接通德国的一个电话号码。

    He asks the switchboard operator to get him a number in germany .

  27. 总机接到自称是总统的电话。

    The switchboard has a call from someone claiming to be the president .

  28. 总机,你能告诉我英语系的分机号码吗?

    Operator , could you give me the number of the English department ?

  29. 要确保总机没有搞错你的分机号码。

    Make sure the switchboard have your correct extension .

  30. 这儿是总机,请问您要接哪个分机呢?

    Switchboard . Which extension would you like ?