
zǒnɡ tǒnɡ hòu xuǎn rén
  • presidential candidate
  1. 恐怖分子在密谋暗杀这位总统候选人。

    Terrorists are plotting to assassinate the presidential candidate .

  2. 马萨诸塞州前任州长和总统候选人米特·罗姆尼在ABC的ThisWeek节目中发表讲话。

    Former Massachusetts Governor and presidential candidate Mitt Romney spoke on ABC 's This Week program .

  3. 他赢得了民主党总统候选人的提名。

    He won the nomination as Democratic candidate for the presidency .

  4. 他是总统候选人提名的铁定人选。

    He is a sure bet for the presidential nominations .

  5. 有人建议总统候选人找一位女性竞选伙伴。

    The presidential nominee was advised to choose a woman as a running mate .

  6. 成为总统候选人后,他的宣言并没有多少变化。

    His message has changed little since he became presidential material .

  7. 总统候选人今天在作巡回演说。

    The presidential candidates are on the stump today .

  8. 纽约如今是检验民主党总统候选人的理想之地。

    New York is a proving ground today for the Democratic presidential candidates .

  9. 几乎没人预料到他会宣布参加民主党总统候选人的竞选。

    Few expected that he would declare his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for the presidency

  10. 有数位总统候选人。

    There are several presidential candidates .

  11. 民主党的总统候选人计划进行另外一场巡回竞选活动,这次要经过整个中西部工业区。

    The Democratic Presidential ticket plans another road show , this time through the industrial Midwest .

  12. 我们的总统候选人在参加他们的第一轮竞选时分别是68,69和74岁。

    We have presidential candidates running for their first term in office at age 68 , 69 and 74 .

  13. 如果在谷歌(Google)上搜索共和党总统候选人桑托姆的名字,会发现排在搜索结果第一位的是一个用脏话向桑托姆进行人身攻击的网站“SpeadingSantorum”。

    First , a clarification is in order .

  14. 第二轮总统候选人辩论过后,奥巴马(obama)扩大了领先优势,但威胁依然存在。

    After the second presidential debate , Mr Obama widened his lead , but dangers remain .

  15. 否则为什么总统候选人约翰爱德华兹(johnedwards)会花那么多钱在他华丽的棕色头发上呢?

    Why else would presidential hopeful John Edwards spend so much money on his lush Brown locks ?

  16. 曾鼓吹放松监管的美国共和党总统候选人约翰麦凯恩(johnmccain)也已经偃旗息鼓。

    John McCain , the US Republican presidential candidate who is historically an advocate of deregulation , has also piled in .

  17. 总统候选人MittRomney和副总统候选人PaulRyan周二在会上被提名。

    Presidential candidate Mitt Romney and vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan were both be nominated Tuesday .

  18. 在日本小城“小浜”(英文Obama),人们载歌载舞,庆祝与之“同名”的美国总统候选人奥巴马赢得大选。

    The town of Obama , Japan , celebrated the presidential victory of the US politician who shares the town 's name with singing , dancing and chanting .

  19. 在即将到来的一年中,巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)和共和党总统候选人必将就美国实力的性质进行广泛的辩论。

    In the coming year Barack Obama and his Republican opponent in the presidential election will have extended debates over the nature of US power .

  20. 共和党最可能的总统候选人米特·罗姆尼(MITTROMNEY)协助创办了这家公司。

    Mitt Romney , the likely Republican Party candidate for president , helped start the company .

  21. 有希望获共和党总统候选人提名的米特罗姆尼(mittromney)傲慢地谈起了另一个美国世纪。

    Mitt Romney , the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination , speaks loftily of another American century .

  22. 尽管气候变化也是一个难题,但哪位总统候选人都不愿承认,由于飓风桑迪(Sandy)的到来,气候变化问题其实在竞选活动的最后关头扮演了主要角色。

    Though climate change was the issue , neither candidate wanted to mention it played the leading role in the final act , in the form of Hurricane Sandy .

  23. 前总统候选人、共和党参议员麦凯恩在CBS电视“面对全国”节目上说,他将不会支持这项法案。

    Republican Senator John McCain , a former presidential candidate , told CBS'Face the Nation he will not support the bill .

  24. 共和党总统候选人、贝恩资本(BainCapital)创始人米特?罗姆尼(MITTROMNEY)不得不回击这样的批评:贝恩资本收购的企业外包了美国人的工作岗位。

    Mitt Romney , the Republican candidate and founder of Bain Capital , has had to fend off criticism that the companies it acquired outsourced US jobs .

  25. 政治家和前总统候选人RichardGephardt在西北大学取得演讲专业学位。

    Richard Gephardt , politician and former Presidential hopeful , earned a degree in speech from Northwestern University .

  26. 一位高级顾问表示,美国总统候选人之一巴拉克·奥巴马(BarackObama)本周将对欧洲领导人表示,如果他在美国11月总统大选中胜出,美国将积极与亚洲及其它地区建立密切合作关系。

    Barack Obama will tell European leaders this week that the US would engage more actively with Asia and other regions should he win November 's election , according to a senior adviser .

  27. 周日,北卡罗来纳州摩斯威尔大量市民见到了这对新组合的共和党候选人,并为他们投票。而这只是在Ryan被选为副总统候选人的第二天。

    A huge exciting crowds met newly minted Republican tickets Sunday at Mooresville , north Carolina , a day after Ryan was named as GOP vice president pick .

  28. 希拉里•克林顿(HillaryClinton)最近成为了首位被其所在政党提名为总统候选人的女性,打破了政坛剩余的玻璃天花板之一。

    Hillary Clinton smashed one of the remaining glass ceilings in politics this week , when she became the first woman to secure her party 's nomination for US president .

  29. 罗姆尼(MITTROMNEY)周二晚间宣布在得克萨斯州共和党初选中获胜,这使他获得了确保自己被提名为共和党总统候选人所需的党代表票数。

    Mitt Romney Tuesday night claimed his win in the Texas primary gives him the requisite number of delegates to clinch the Republican presidential nomination . '

  30. 下面的事实可以让读者对这一数字有点概念:2008年共和党总统候选人约翰麦凯恩(JohnMcCain),由于受制于上个时代的竞选经费筹款规则的约束,整个竞选期间仅筹集了约3.68亿美元。

    To put that figure into perspective , John McCain , the Republican 2008 presidential candidate , who was hamstrung by financing rules from a previous era , raised about $ 368m for his entire campaign .