
  • 网络mr president;Monsieur le President
  1. 总统先生,您有何评论?

    Do you have any comment , Mr President ?

  2. Wheneveryou'reready,MrPresident.您准备好了就开始,总统先生。

    Officer : Whenever you 're ready , Mr President .

  3. 总统先生,你是清楚这种体制的。

    Mr. President , you 're aware of the system .

  4. 没想到小朋友想要的礼物都是些昂贵的高科技产品,如MP3播放器、手机和视频游戏等,让总统先生颇为惊讶。

    He looked surprised by their pricey high-tech wishes , from MP3 players to cell phones and video games .

  5. OLMERT总理:非常感谢,总统先生。

    PRIME MINISTER OLMERT : Thank you very much , Mr. President .

  6. 她说:“总统先生,关于新的堕胎议案(账单)我们该怎么做?”“bill”可以指“账单”,如:electricbill(电费账单);也可以指“议案'如果议案通过,则成为法令(act)

    She said , " What are we gonna do about the new abortion bill , sir ? " He replied , " Shhhhh , keep it down . Justpay it ! " 1 .

  7. 之前,48岁的总统先生因送给英国首相戈登•布朗一套好莱坞电影DVD合辑受到批评,因为这份礼物貌似无法用欧洲的影碟机播放。

    The48-year-old was earlier criticized when he presented British Prime Minister Gordon Brown a DVD set of Hollywood films , which apparently did not work on a European player .

  8. 去年12月奥巴马透露了自己的观剧清单,包括AMC的《绝命毒师》(总统先生看的是DVD),以及HBO的《权力的游戏》和《大西洋帝国》。

    His TV list , which he revealed in December , includes AMC 's Breaking Bad ( he watches it on DVD ) as well as HBO hits Game of Thrones and Boardwalk Empire .

  9. 保守派专栏作家查尔斯克劳塞默(CharlesKrauthammer)指责总统先生欣然接受美国的衰弱:衰落不是一种状态,他表示,衰落是一种选择。

    Charles Krauthammer , a conservative columnist , has accused the president of embracing American weakness : Decline is not a condition , he declared . Decline is a choice .

  10. 在车队中,德克萨斯州州长夫人内莉•康纳利(NellieConnally)充满感情地说:总统先生,您不能说达拉斯人不爱戴您。

    In the motorcade , the Texan governor 's wife , Nellie Connally , gushed , Mr President , you can 't say Dallas doesn 't love you .

  11. 这是个伟大的故事,总统先生早上不厌其烦的讨论这件事情,Carney说道:这对纽约尼克斯来说固然是个天大的喜讯,但是这个故事已经超越了体育本身。

    It 's just a great story and the President was saying as much this morning , Carney said . Obviously terrific for the New York Knicks but it 's the kind of sports story that transcends the sport itself .

  12. 在车队中,德克萨斯州州长夫人内莉•康纳利(NellieConnally)充满感情地说:“总统先生,您不能说达拉斯人不爱戴您。”她的话几乎没错儿。

    In the motorcade , the Texan governor 's wife , Nellie Connally , gushed , " Mr President , you can 't say Dallas doesn 't love you . " She was mostly right .

  13. 莱勒:总统先生,您有90秒的反驳时间。

    LEHRER : Mr. President , you have a 90-second rebuttal .

  14. 总统先生到南部度假去了。

    The president has gone to the South on a holiday .

  15. 你觉得欧麦今晚怎么样,总统先生?

    What 'd you think of Omer tonight , Mr president ?

  16. 我们不会让您失望,总统先生好

    We will not disappoint you , Mr. President . Okay .

  17. 谢谢,总统先生,谢谢你刚才所讲的话。

    Thank you , Mr president , for those kind words .

  18. 先这样吧,谢谢您,总统先生

    For the time being . Thank you , Mr. President .

  19. 这次,总统先生,您扮演歌利亚。

    This time , Mr President , you are playing Goliath .

  20. 见到你真好,副总统先生

    It 's good to see you , Mr. Vice President .

  21. 总统先生希望你不要离开这房间。

    The president doesn 't want you to leave the room .

  22. 我们完成攻击区域搜索了,总统先生。

    We completed our sweep of the strike zone , sir .

  23. 谢谢您,总统先生。我感到十分荣幸。

    Thank you , Mr. President . I 'm very honored .

  24. 什么事,总统先生.把本考尔德的状况告诉我.

    Yes , Mr. President . Tell me about Ben Calder .

  25. 这是总统先生就任以来我们的第9次会晤。

    This is the ninth meeting between you and I , Mr.

  26. 总统先生,电话会议就开始了。

    Mr president , the conference call is about to begin .

  27. 我们必须正视这种可能性,总统先生。

    It 's a possibility we have to face , sir .

  28. 谢谢您,总统先生,谢谢你,弗兰克

    Thank you , Mr. President . Thank you , Frank .

  29. 我的意思是总统先生,您得考虑的实际一点。

    I said , Mr president , you got to be practical

  30. 人们有时问我,总统先生,是谁激励着你?

    People ask me sometimes , who inspires you , Mr. President ?