
  • 网络Overall environment;general environment;total environment;macro environment
  1. 高档别墅区总体环境设计

    General Environment Design of High-grade Villa Area

  2. 认知地图在城市总体环境研究中的应用&以西安市为例

    Application of Cognitive Map in Research of Urban General Environment : Taking Xi'an City as the Example

  3. 借助GPS、GIS技术进行荔城区耕地土壤环境质量评价,结果表明,荔城区耕地土壤总体环境质量较高,但局部耕地污染较严重。

    The environmental qualities of cultivating soils in Licheng District were evaluated by the technologies of GPS and GIS . The results showed that the overall environmental qualities of cultivating soils in Licheng District were much higher , but part soils have been seriously polluted .

  4. 根据2004年莱芜市环境质量报告书的结果,莱芜市总体环境质量达到《环境空气质量标准》(GB3095-1996)规定的二级标准。

    According to the Environmental Quality Report of Laiwu City in 2004 , the overall environmental quality of Laiwu City has been up to the Grade II Standard specified in the Environmental Air Quality Standard ( GB3095-1996 ) .

  5. 嵌入城市&创造与城市总体环境相融合的广播电视建筑

    A wedge in city : designing the radio & TV architecture

  6. 矿区总体环境质量模糊综合评价实践

    Fuzzy Comprehensive Assessment of General Environmental Quality in Mining area

  7. 株洲市总体环境质量的模糊综合评价

    Fuzzy Assessment of Overall Environmental Quality of Zhuzhou City

  8. 汽车市场的总体环境预测和部分车型市场分析

    The Total Environment Forecast of Auto market and the Market Analysis of Auto models

  9. 被监测的基地总体环境质量状况良好。

    The environmental quality of the bases being monitored is in good condition on the whole .

  10. 结果显示:连云港市民总体环境意识较高;

    The result shows that the local people 's consciousness of environment protection is of high level .

  11. 其总体环境影响可考虑为资源消耗、能源消耗、污染物排放及其他影响四个方面。

    And the general environmental impact includes resource reduction , energy consumption , pollution discharge and other impacts .

  12. 投资环境是一个综合的概念,包含硬环境和软环境、局部地区的环境和国民经济总体环境。

    Investment environment is an integrated concept that includes hard-environment and soft-environment , local and country 's environment .

  13. 就这一轴线南段总体环境设计理念进行了阐述与分析。

    The conceptions of the overall landscape design of the southern part of the central axis are expatiated and analysised .

  14. 1998年度总体环境质量与上年度相当,少数城市变化幅度较大。

    The general environmental quality in 1998 was about the same as last year , with some big changes in some cities .

  15. 利用交互的、体现细节的、能够检测出总体环境问题或者特定数据库或应用的问题面板来快速识别潜在的问题。

    Quickly identify potential problems using interactive , detailed dashboards that can detect overall environment problems or specific database or application issues .

  16. 此准则是我们业务推行不可分割的一部分,并反映了我们对于工作条件、工作环境和总体环境的注重。

    The code is an integral part of our business and reflects our regard for working conditions , working environments and the environment in general .

  17. 技术性改进只能产生短期变革效应,无法从根本上改善农村金融运行的总体环境,无法给农村金融成长提供一个崭新的制度环境。

    They are not enough to improve rural financial operations of the overall environment or unable to provide rural finance development of a new system environment .

  18. 利用我国多年环境、经济统计数据,分析论证了总体环境质量水平与经济活动和环境资源条件的关系;

    Based on the investigation of environmental and economic statistic data of China , the relationship between regional environmental quality and local economy-resources background was analyzed ;

  19. 2004年,我国经济发展的总体环境继续趋好,对外开放领域进一步扩大,对外资的吸引力进一步增强。

    In 2004 , the overall economy development environment looks promising . By further opening the door to foreign investments , more investments will be attracted .

  20. 本文首先对国际金融中心的相关理论进行了述评,总结了国际金融中心的两大形成因素&总体环境因素和金融因素。

    Firstly , this paper reviews the related theory of IFCs and summarizes the two forming factors of IFCs : overall environmental factor and financial factor .

  21. 第一章介绍房地产总体环境以及该项目的来源,并提出对其项目做进一步投资可行性分析的必要性。

    The first chapter describes the sources of real estate overall environment and the project , and proposes that the project do need further investment feasibility analysis .

  22. 间接化解可以通过发展商业银行中间业务实现,并提出若干政策建议,供政府改进信贷总体环境时参考。

    At the end of this paper , author gives several policy suggestions to be referenced by the government when it perfects the whole environment about credit .

  23. 首先,本文归纳出冷战后美国出口管制的三个特点:贸易&安全两难凸现,外部总体环境趋缓,以及国内出现分别强调贸易自由、国家安全、以及目标折中的不同观点。

    First , three traits of the post-Cold War American export controls are introduced as the trade-security dilemma , the relaxed international situation and the different domestic opinions .

  24. 分别采用两类算子模型进行评价,结果均表明评价区总体环境质量属于清洁型。

    Two kinds of operators were adopted respectively for the assessment , and the results showed that the overall environmental quality of the areas belonged to clean type .

  25. 该文根据可控性原理提出建筑总体环境布局、建筑空间、围护结构及构件的可控性节能设计方法。

    According to the principles of controllability , this paper puts forward the design methods of energy-efficiency Building , which including site planning , architectural space , building envelop and component .

  26. 其中,①长沙市防灾避险总体环境为良:自然环境比较优越;人工环境比较适宜。

    And ,① the overall environment of disaster prevention and danger avoidance in Changsha is " good ": The natural environment is quite superior ; The artificial environment is quite suitable .

  27. 运用模糊数学法对天津滨海新区环境质量各因素进行定级评价,将各因素评价结果采用公式计数法进行二级赋权,较为客观评价了总体环境质量级别,为综合治理提供科学依据。

    It have science character and rationality . Based on adopting the formula count method , the each factor of environment quality of coastal region in Tianjin is evaluated with fuzzy mathematics method .

  28. 虽然对此实用工具的全面讨论不在本文讨论范围之内,但绝对有必要讨论一下此工具,因为使用此工具可以提高管理总体环境的能力。

    While a thorough review of this utility is outside the scope of this article , it 's definitely worth looking at because using it will increase your ability to manage the overall environment .

  29. 并且通过对工厂外部空间的性质、序列的分析,阐述了工厂外部空间绿化、美化、净化的统一关系及它与城市总体环境之间相辅相成的关系。

    And through analysis the nature and array to the external space of factory , explain the unity concern of factory outside space afforest and beautify , and with the city overall relation that complement each other .

  30. 隧道洞门作为在公路和铁路中频繁出现的构筑物,与自然环境紧密相连,除挡护功能作用外,对周边的总体环境有一种符号和象征意义。

    As the construction appears frequently in highway and railway , Tunnel Opening is closely conjoint to the environment . It not only has the function of protection but also is the signal and symbol to surrounding environment .