
  • 网络Contextual Factors;situational factor
  1. 广告中隐含意义的翻译可以从跨文化交际的角度出发,从文化因素、情景因素、词汇文化意蕴因素等几方面来进行分析。

    This paper gives a brief intercultural analysis of the implied meaning of adverting through giving cultural factors , contextual factors and multi-meaning factors .

  2. 本研究同时证明,对领导理论的研究,必须结合相应的情景因素,脱离情景的研究是无效的。

    This research proved that the researches of leadership must combine corresponding contextual factors , and the studies which apart away from the situations are invalid .

  3. 随后本文集中探讨了发音连续体和RP、社会语言变量和RP,认为由于情景因素的复杂性,语音调整具有其不稳定性。

    The paper then centers upon the accent continuum and RP , sociolinguistic variables and RP , and holds that due to the complexity of situational factors , there is instability of phonological adjustment .

  4. 社会情景因素对儿童词汇量的影响

    The Influence of the Social Situational Factors on Children 's Vocabulary

  5. 情景因素与英语广告语言特征

    Situational Factors and the Linguistic Features of English Advertisements

  6. 工作和家庭冲突的前因和后果变量:中国情景因素形成的差异

    Antecedents and Outcomes of Work-Family Conflict among Chinese Employees : The Cultural Difference Perspective

  7. 基于高职数学教学情景因素的教学策略探索

    Exploration of teaching strategy of conditional factors based on high vocational college mathematics teaching

  8. 存在某些情景因素,影响着顾客偏好的稳定性。

    It is found that there exist some situational factors affecting the stability of customers preference .

  9. 本文试从情景因素的角度分析英语广告在词汇层和句法层方面的基本特征。

    Based on the above argument , the paper analyzes the basic lexical and syntactical features of advertisement language .

  10. 领导理论的发展,目前仍缺乏将领导者的素质和情景因素结合起来进行研究。

    Development of leadership lacks the research , which combines leader traits with their working situations in contingency theory .

  11. 为提高基于项目的协同推荐算法的预测效果,引入用户情景因素。

    In order to improve the prediction effect of item-based collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm , user context factor was introduced .

  12. 任何一个情景因素的变化都有可能或多或少地改变语言形式所表达的意义。

    The change of any one of the situational factors may more or less change the meaning the linguistic form expresses .

  13. 然而,这两个交际环境所包含的文化和情景因素不是一篇论文所能涵盖的。

    However , the two contexts include numerous cultural and situational factors , which cannot be completely handled within a thesis .

  14. 语用学重在探究语言使用者如何利用情景因素进行语义表达,从语言和社会文化等方面为修辞移情提供了丰富的表达手段。

    Pragmatics , the study of how the language users communicate in context , provides rich verbal techniques for rhetorical empathy .

  15. 韩礼德等人把支配语言变异的情景因素归纳为语场、语旨和语式三个变量,这三个中的任何一项发生变化,都会引起语言的变异,产生不同的语域。

    Halliday and other linguists classified the situational factors leading to linguistic variation into three variables : field , tenor and mode .

  16. 这项更有意思,并且能更清楚的体现我的“独立分析每项情景因素”的理念。

    This one is more interesting , and might make clearer what I 'm getting at with the " isolating situational factors " idea .

  17. “两抢一盗”犯罪的情景因素包括:犯罪人、被害人、影响犯罪的时空因素和社会控制力度。

    The circumstance factors of " Robbery , grabbing and theft " include the criminal , the victim , space-time factors and social control force .

  18. 因此,组织中的管理者们在使用信息技术时,应考虑到信息系统与任务特征、个体计算机技能、组织情景因素之间的匹配,以使信息技术的使用达到最好的效果。

    However , managers should consider the alignment among task characters , computer skills and organizational environments when implementing information technologies in order to improve organization performance .

  19. 儿童的谦虚行为也存在着明显的年龄差异,并且这种差异也会受到社会情景因素的影响。

    There is also a remarkable difference among the children of different ages in their modest behaviors , and this difference is influenced by the social condition factor .

  20. 应对方式是个体在应对过程中习惯于采用一套相近的认知和行为努力的手段、方法的概括化。它是个体的稳定因素与情景因素交互作用的结果。

    Coping style , formed by interaction of individual 's stabilized and situational factors , is the generalization of cognitive and behavioral means during one 's habitual coping situation .

  21. 本文从权变理论的角度分析组织、团队和个体三个层面的情景因素对设计研发团队激励机制的影响。

    From contingency perspective , this paper analyzed the contextual factors at organizational , team and individual levels that influenced the design of incentive system in R & D teams .

  22. 礼貌是交际双方语用距离的特定反映,而语用距离则是社会因素、文化因素、情景因素、个人因素等的综合。

    This paper holds that politeness is the specific reflection of pragmatic distance between interlocutors , while pragmatic distance is the integration of social , cultural , situational and personal factors .

  23. 然而,在具体的语境分析中,除了情景因素外,语言、文化等层面的语境因素也对语义的理解、生成起着重要的作用。

    However , in specific contextual analysis , apart from situational factors , contextual factors such as language and cultural aspects also play an important role in semantic understanding and generating .

  24. 短期记忆在理解反语的过程中有时可以单独帮助反语的理解,但有时也必须依靠情景因素来帮助理解;

    Secondly , short-term memory refers to the newly gained information by the speaker and listener , which can help understand irony alone or sometimes with the help of situational element .

  25. 此章具体阐述了现存的文化亲属词语的不同翻译方法,分析了翻译过程中语篇、语句、语法和情景因素。

    Different ways of translating Chinese kinship nouns are listed and some relevant analyses of factors with regard to sentence , grammar , text and context are also made in this chapter .

  26. 词汇量与阅读理解能力、识字能力有关,同时也受社会情景因素的影响。

    One 's vocabulary is related to one 's reading ability and ability to learn words , and meanwhile influenced by social situational factors . scavenging ability of BSCA were measured by the chemical simulation .

  27. 第一,我们认为衔接机制应该考虑语篇的情景因素,因此语篇内部的意义联系的范围应该拓展从而把凭借语用意义而建立的联系也包括在内。

    First , we have proposed that the situational factors of the text be considered in the model and therefore the scope of meaning relationship within the text be extended to include relationship of pragmatic meaning .

  28. 该理论强调语言随语境而变化,根据用途描写语言,强调语言特点所实现的功能,情景因素影响语言功能。

    The theory emphasizes language variation in relation to context , descriptions of language according to use , the functions which are realized by linguistic forms , and effect of three major situational factors on the functions .

  29. 本文试从人、建筑物与自然山水各自所代表的情景因素及虚实关系,来探讨园林意境生成的特征。

    This paper attempts an analysis into the generating features of the feelings and settings factors as well as the relationships between the real and the unreal represented respectively by human beings , buildings and natural landscape .

  30. 根据著名语言学家韩礼德的界定,决定语言特征的情景因素可以归纳为三个变量:语场、语式和语旨,而这三个变量共同决定了语域的取向。

    According to the definition of M.A.K Halliday , the situational elements that determine the language characteristics can be divided into three variables : field , tenor and mode , and these three variables determine the choices of the register together .