
  • 网络sensory test;sensory testing;organoleptic test
  1. 文章对影响感官检验结果的因素进行了系统的分析。

    This sensory test results on the impact of a systematic analysis of the factors .

  2. 感官检验棉花的品级,这是农村常见的一种检测手段。

    The sensory test grades of cotton , which is common in rural areas as a means of detection .

  3. 对食品感官检验中一种新的数学模型进行了探讨,并为它编制了BASIC数据处理程序;

    A new mathematical model in food organoleptic test had been explored , and a BASIC data processing program for it had been worked out ;

  4. 通过感官检验和机械测定(W-B剪切、TPA压缩)2种方法对不同贮藏时间熏煮香肠的质构进行分析,通过对比分析得出不同贮藏时间对熏煮香肠质构的影响。

    Analysis on the texture of smoked-and-cooked sausage by two measurements , sensory and instrumental was studied . The influence of different storage-time on the texture of sausage was developed .

  5. 顺序法感官检验结果的统计分析

    The Statistics Analysis of the Results by Sequence Sense Organ Test

  6. 浅谈肉灌制品的感官检验

    An Elementary Introduction to the Sense Test on Canned Meat Products

  7. 论述了皮革感官检验的人体生理学原理;

    The physiological principle of leather sensory evaluation was discussed .

  8. 米质判定器在粮食感官检验方面的应用

    Application of rice quality instrument in organic inspection of grain

  9. 食品感官检验在食品卫生监督中的意义和作用

    Significance and Function of Sensory Testing in Food Hygiene Supervision

  10. 浅谈出口甜炼乳感官检验中质量的控制

    Brief Introduction to Quality Control of Export Sweetened Condensed Milk in Visual Inspection

  11. 不同类群薄皮甜瓜感官检验与主要风味物质的关系

    Correlation between Sensory Analysis and Major Flavor Compounds in Melon of Five Groups

  12. 不同贮藏温度下清真羊肉脂肪氧化的研究及感官检验

    Research on sensory evaluation and fat oxidation degree of Muslim mutton in different temperatures

  13. 市售鱼的感官检验

    Sensory organ examination of fish of marketing

  14. 生漆的乳液结构与感官检验

    Sap Structure And Inspection with Sense Organ

  15. 提出了大麦茶的制备工艺和感官检验标准。

    The preparing technology and sensory checking standards for the barley tea were put forward .

  16. 在传统浓香型白酒生产企业,感官检验是重要的检验手段之一。

    Organoleptic examination is one of the important examination measures in enterprises producing traditional Luzhou-flavor liquor .

  17. 本文采用仪器测定和感官检验两种方法对超细南瓜粉的质构进行全面评定。

    Apparatus analysis and organoleptic test were used to evaluate the texture of superfine pumpkin powder .

  18. 生猪的分类与感官检验

    Ciassification and Sensory Inspection of Pig

  19. 从食醋处理前后的感官检验与理化指标得到结论。

    Sensory tests before and after treatment with vinegar from the physical and chemical indicators conclusions .

  20. 试析模糊数学法与微机联用在食品感官检验中的应用

    Trying to Analyse the Application of Fuzz Mathematical Method in Combination with Minicomputer in Food Organoleptic Test

  21. 目前商检系统对进口大麦进行品种鉴别主要以感官检验为主,缺乏准确的化学鉴别方法。

    Up to now , CCIB identifies the barley variety mainly in term of the visual characteristics , lacking accurate chemical method .

  22. 本文对市售鱼在保藏时的变化及感官检验作了介绍,并对其作出卫生评定。

    The changes of fish in preservation and its sensory organ examination were reviewed and its hygienic state was determined in this paper .

  23. 本文对野生动物刺猬的肉质营养成分及其品质进行了理化与感官检验。

    The test for quality and nutritive ingredient of the muscle and fat in hedgehog was carried out by sense and physicochemical methods in this paper .

  24. 可溶性糖与感官检验的甜度和综合口味分别呈显著正相关,而与有机酸、干物质等相关性不显著。

    Soluble sugar contents have significant positive relation to sweetness and comprehensive taste scores , organic acids and dry weight have no significant relations to sensory items .

  25. 本文介绍国家标准检验方法中的食品卫生检验即感官检验、理化检验和微生物检验。

    Inspection methods of national standards on food hygiene of sense tests , physical or chemical analysis as well as microbiological examination were introduced in this paper .

  26. 对掺假的可能手法作了探讨,并提出了真假干邑白兰地的真假鉴定,应以感官检验与理化化学分析相结合进行综合判断。

    Besides , we have studied the possible adulterate measures and put forward that the authentication of true and false cognac brandy should depend on sensory examination and physiochemical analysis .

  27. 食品感官检验是人对食品的质量指标作出的主观意识判断分析,这种主观意识判断必然具有自身的特殊性和局限性。

    Food sensory examination means people 's subjective judgment and analysis of the qualitative indexes of food . Naturally , this subjective judgment will bring about particularity and limitless by itself .

  28. 对四川某市市场上的散装生鲜牛乳进行随机抽样,对乳样品进行感官检验、理化检验和微生物检验。

    For the sake of finding out the quality condition of fresh milk , samples were took from unpacked fresh milk sold in a market of southwest for sensory , physical-chemical and microorganism examination .

  29. 感官检验结果表明当单螺杆挤压出口温度为70℃,原料水分含量为30%时,研制的饲料表面质地致密光洁,未出现裂痕。

    The sensory analysis indicated that the feed had smooth surface and high density when the moisture of the mixture of raw material was 30 % and the outlet temperature of extrusion was 70 ℃ .

  30. 在生猪屠宰检验中,对种公母猪肉要从形态、组织性状进行感官检验,尤其是性气味检验,并按国家法规和标准认真处理。

    The sensory inspection to the shape and tissue character of raw sow , especially for sexual smell , must be conducted during pig slaughtering inspection . In addition , it should be treated according to the national regulation and standard .