
  • 网络Slow Man
  1. 《慢人》是2003年诺贝尔文学奖得主库切的一部近作。

    Slow Man is a recent work of J. M. Coetzee , the 2003 Nobel Prize winner in literature .

  2. 由于《慢人》发表于2005年,所以国内外鲜见与之相关的研究。

    Since Slow Man was published in 2005 , there is little study on it in China and in the West .

  3. J.M.库切在《慢人》这部小说中所用的元小说叙事旨在探求小说与现实的关系并提出当代小说创作的新的出路。

    By using the metafictional narrative strategies , J. M. Coetzee aims to reveal the interdependent relationship between fiction and reality as well as put forward a fresh way for contemporary writing .

  4. 我从前是亵渎神的,逼迫人的,悔慢人的。然而我还蒙了怜悯,因我是不信不明白的时候而作的。

    Who was before a blasphemer , and a persecutor , and injurious : but I obtained mercy , because I did it ignorantly in unbelief .

  5. 我们停下来等等走得慢的人不好吗?

    Hadn 't we better wait up for the slower ones ?

  6. 与那些匆匆忙忙地吃完饭的人相比,吃得慢的人每顿饭摄入的热量要少70卡路里。

    People who eat slowly tend to consume about 70 fewer calories per meal than those who rush through their meals .

  7. 血红蛋白的醋酸纤维素薄膜电泳显示了树鼩Hb的五个区带,树鼩Hb的电泳迁移率慢于人的Hb。

    The electrophoresis of the Hb of tree shrew on cellulose acetate membrane shows 5 bands and the Rf value of the Hb of tree shrew is less than that of HbA .

  8. 纽约时间比加州时间早三个小时但加州时间并没有变慢有人22岁就毕业了但等了五年才找到好的工作有人25岁就当上CEO却在50岁去世也有人迟到50岁才当上CEO然后活到90岁

    New York is 3 hours ahead of California but it does not make California slow Someone graduated at the age of 22 but waited 5 years before securing a good job Someone became a CEO at 25 and died at 50 While another became a CEO at 50 and lived to 90 years

  9. 因遗传而新陈代谢速度慢的人会发胖。

    People who have inherited a low metabolic rate will gain weight .

  10. 好吧,我肯定是这间房里反映最慢的人。

    Okay , I must be the slowest guy in the room .

  11. 走得慢的人可以一起走,走得快的人可以在前面大步走。

    Slower walkers could go together , with faster ones striding ahead .

  12. 跑得慢的人难得在赛跑中获胜。

    A slow runner will not win races .

  13. 将那些读得慢的人分为一组。

    To lump all the slow readers together .

  14. 废寝忘食的读者、看书看得慢的人。

    An avid , slow , etc reader .

  15. 我们很快就超过那些跑得慢的人。

    We soon outstripped the slower runners .

  16. 他是个学习很慢的人。

    He is a slow learner .

  17. 当阅读速度很慢的人阅读制造某种东西的说明书时,他可能是一位好读者。

    Thy very slow reader may be a good reader when he reads directions for making something .

  18. 学习慢的人需要学习计划、时间、好的课堂和定期评估。

    Slow learners need a study plan , and time , and good classes , and periodic assessment .

  19. 大中午在太防底下跑来跑去会中暑的。跑得慢的人难得在赛跑中获胜。

    You 'll suffer heatstroke running about at noon under the sun . A slow runner will not win races .

  20. 奇怪的是,你竟可怜那脚下慢的人,而不可怜那心里慢的人。可怜那盲于目的人,而不可怜那盲于心的人。

    Strange that you should pity the slow-footed and not the slow-minded , and the blind-eyed rather than the blind-hearted .

  21. 说话的语速和音量同样重要:我们认为语速快的人比语速慢的人能力更强,更具亲和力。

    Velocity of speech counts as well as volume : we rank fast talkers as more competent and likable than slow ones .

  22. 比如,吃饭速度慢的人往往比较顽固,而吃饭速度快的人则在遇到优先选择问题时应付不来。

    For instance , slow eaters tend to be more stubborn , while fast eaters lack balance when it comes to prioritizing .

  23. 尽管我是个对科技接受的比较慢的人,但我发现,在接受了半个小时的讲解后,我已经可以顺畅操作了。

    While I am a slow technology adapter , I found that I could operate it well enough after a half-hour instruction .

  24. 我有时和跑得快的人跑,也和跑得慢和人跑,事实上,我喜欢和任何人一块跑。

    I will run with fast runners . I will run with slow runners . I will run with just about anyone !

  25. 小心脾气来得慢的人:他们都有原因才动气,而且不会没事就消气。

    Beware of him that is slow to anger : He is angry for something , and will not be pleased for nothing .

  26. 徒步活动是否照顾到速度最慢的人?你们应该集体开始,集体徒步,集体结束。

    Will the hike be paced to the slowest hiker ? You should start as a group , hike as a group , end as a group .

  27. 他这套系统的一大优点是学得快的人可以飞速长进,学得慢的人则可以有充足的时间直到学会为止。

    A strong point of his system is that the fast learner makes progress very fast and the slow learner can take as long as he needs .

  28. 走得慢的人;慢车道;她的脚步很慢;他对这一消息的反应很缓慢;缓慢但是稳定的生长。

    A slow walker ; the slow lane of traffic ; her steps were slow ; he was slow in reacting to the news ; slow but steady growth .

  29. 虽然这项实验的目的并不是测试人的记忆能力,但是研究人员发现大脑萎缩速度最慢的人,其记忆力测试的分数也最高。

    Although the trial was not designed to measure thinking ability , the researchers found that individuals with the lowest rates of shrinkage had the highest mental test scores .

  30. 对肠肌蠕动很慢的人,适量运动,多吃蔬菜和粗食,多喝水可能有所帮助。

    The person who has sluggish intestinal muscles may be helped by moderate excise , an increase in vegetables and other bulky foods in the diet and an increase in fluid intake .