
  1. 在网络前沿的边缘射频分析、GPS定位跟踪以及高级的处理能力保证了无论在何种环境下以最低的成本保证探测的精确性。

    Edge-based video analytics , GPS-based target tracking , and superior processing power at the network edge provide outdoor detection accuracy in all environments at a low cost .

  2. RCM能够识别实用且有效的维修工作以防止这些关键部件的主要故障原因发展,同时以最低的成本保证部件的可用度水平。

    RCM can identify practicable and effective preventive maintenance actions to prevent main fault reasons of critical components from developing , at the same time it can ensure the availability level of components under the lowest cost .

  3. 大小非的超低持股成本保证了他们减持可获得可观的收益。

    The size of the non-ultra-low cost of ownership ensures that their holdings will be handsome gains .

  4. 巨墙造价极为昂贵,但高昂成本保证了它可傲然面对任何强敌。

    These walls are extremely costly , but that price guarantees security against all but the most well-prepared besieging force .

  5. 将其市场定位为:提供BTOB的高品质一体化物流服务,以及专业的物流管理咨询服务,最大限度为顾客降低成本,保证企业享受到及时、安全、快捷的物流服务;

    The market position is to offer high-quality integrative B to B logistics service , minimize the cost of the customers , assure in-time , safe and fast service .

  6. 结论临床护理路径在PTCA病人中的应用,可提高工作效率,控制成本,保证护理质量。

    Conclusion Use clinical nursing paths in PTCA , we can improve the efficiency , control the cost and guantee nursing quality .

  7. 设计了应用于WDM城域网中的单信道EDFA,降低了系统成本并保证了系统灵活性。

    A single channel EDFA is designed for WDM Metropolitan networks applications , not only lowering the cost but also sustaining the flexibility of the system .

  8. 考虑到高校、培训机构开展本地及远程网络教育信息安全实验的需要,从节约成本和保证性能的角度出发,开发基于Web服务的信息安全虚拟实验平台。

    Considered to requirement of the university and the training organization to offer information security experiment in local and the distance education , in order to reduce cost and obtain the high performance , the information security virtual experiment platform based on the Web Service has been developed .

  9. 结果表明,CAE分析技术的应用,对于缩短运动鞋开发周期,降低生产成本,保证产品质量具有重要意义。

    It was indicated that the application of CAE technology was very significant to shorten the development cycle and reduce the production cost and improve the quality in the structure design of athletic shoes .

  10. 110kV变压器现场换油的工艺过程科学、实用,可降低运行成本,保证安全供电。

    The paper introduces the scientific and practical oil-changing process of 110 kV transformer which can reduce the cost , and ensure the safety power supply .

  11. 基于但不拘泥于现有其他生产线MES系统的研究成果,重视宽厚板生产的实际特点,提高了生产效率,降低了生产成本,保证了宽厚板的质量,增加了企业的生产效益。

    Based but are not limited to other existing production line MES system of research , attention to the actual characteristics of heavy plate production , improve production efficiency , reduce production costs , heavy plate to ensure the quality , increase the production efficiency .

  12. 密度是纤维板产品的重要指标,而断面密度分布(VDP)能更准确地反映纤维板的质量和性能,合理控制VDP是降低成本和保证纤维板质量的主要方法。

    Density is an important indicator of fiberboard products , the Vertical Density Profile can accurately reflects the quality and performance of fiberboard . Controlling Vertical Density Profile rationally is an important method of the guarantee cost-saving and quality of fiberboard .

  13. 介绍了某电厂300MW国产汽轮机汽缸螺栓的检修、维护经验,减少了汽缸螺栓的损坏,节约了检修资源,降低了检修成本,保证了发电机组的安全稳定运行。

    The bolt overhaul and maintenance experience of domestic made steam turbines in a 300 MW power plant minimize the damage of turbine cylinder bolts , save overhaul and maintenance resources , reduce their cost , and enhance the safe and stable operation of the units .

  14. 提出了目标成本控制保证体系,运用了目标成本法确定目标成本;

    The guarantee system for objective cost control is attempted to construct in this paper .

  15. 同步工程方法是缩短车身开发周期、有效控制开发成本、保证产品质量的有效途径。

    Research on the key technologies of simultaneous engineering for the development of automobile body die ;

  16. 降低干燥过程的能量消耗是降低生产的成本和保证制品质量的关键。

    Reducing energy expending in the drying process is the key of reducing cost and assuring quality .

  17. 在西方低廉成本的保证并没有兑现,因此这种复兴基本上被搁置了。

    In the West those low costs have failed to materialise , so the Renaissance is largely stalled .

  18. 普通桩基砼,桩基用粉煤灰砼,配合比降低成本,保证质量。

    Mix proportionsfly of common pile foundation concrete and pile foundation ash concrete can reduce costs and ensure quality .

  19. 通过改造降低了生产成本,保证了生产的稳定,改善了环境。

    Some advantages was gained from this improvement , such as production cost reducing , production stabilizing and environment improving .

  20. 为了降低成本和保证零部件的可靠性,要求在设计的过程中采用新的方法,应用新的设计技术。

    In order to reduce the cost and guarantee reliability , it is necessary to introduce new method and technique .

  21. 基于特征映射的产品制造成本与保证成本的优化方法非对称市场结构下企业横向兼并问题研究

    Optimization of cost structure based on feature mapping The Horizontal Mergers , Result and Welfare Analysis of Different Cost Structure Manufacturers

  22. 结论:护理路径作为一种科学管理的模式,既可提高工作效率,又能控制成本,保证护理质量。

    Conclusion : As a scientific mode , the clinical nursing pathway could improve the working efficiency , guarantee the nursing quality .

  23. 及时防护是降低维修成本,保证生产正常进行的关键之一。

    One of the key step is that keep strueture in maintenance status occasionally , by which can reduce the cost of revamping .

  24. 为了降低生产成本和保证产品质量,针对量产锌镍电池的要求,研制了采用拉浆技术生产镍电极的设备。

    The equipment for fabricating nickel electrode by continuous slurry technology was developed for reducing the production cost and elevating the quality of Ni-Zn batteries .

  25. 为减轻企业生产成本,保证产品生产质量,我们进行了自主创新的验瓶机监控系统设计。

    In order to reduce production costs and guarantee quality of products , we carried out an independent innovation of bottle inspection monitoring system design .

  26. 搞好高价互换配件管理工作,对于维护铁路运输设备的完好状态、合理控制运输成本、保证铁路运输安全具有重要意义。

    The management of high-rate fitting exchange is something very important to the well-being of railway transportation equipment , transportation cost control and transportation safety .

  27. 在设计冲压模具时,主要应考虑提高生产效率、降低成本和保证质量。

    When designing the stamping dies , the increase of production efficiency the decrease of cost and the assurance of quality should be mainly considered .

  28. 在坚持经营面积和年销售额大幅增长的同时,积极控制成本,保证企业利润率的稳定。

    In upholding the management area and strong growth in sales at the same time , actively control cost , guarantee the stability of corporate profit margins .

  29. 此设计方法对降低施工难度、缩短工期、节约成本、保证设计的可靠度都具有重要意义。

    The proposed design method is meaningful to reducing the construction difficulty , decreasing the construction period , saving the cost and improving the reliability of design .

  30. 本课题拟研制一种新型的煤焦油处理装置,提高除焦油效率,降低运行成本,保证煤气发电机组的稳定高效运行。

    The issue intends to develop a new type device of removing coke tar to raise efficiency and decreasing cost , ensure efficient and stable working of generator .