
  • 网络Cost Improvement
  1. 因此,就像杜利所说的“鲁棒理论”(RobustTheory)那样,学员们必须对非盈利组织进行研究,并找出可行的低成本改进方案。

    So allied to what Mr Dooley calls " robust theory ", the participants must study a not-for-profit organisation and come up with low-cost improvements that could work .

  2. 质量成本改进模型的初步探索

    The Initial Inquiry on the Improved Model of the Quality Cost

  3. 基于设备可靠性的发电成本改进算法

    Improvement Algorithm of Generation Cost Based on Reliability

  4. 有利于实现协同供应链成本改进的两阶段利益分配机制的研究

    A Research on Two-stage Allocation of the Interests Mechanism Convenient for Cost Improvements of the Collaborative Supply Chain

  5. 实际的质量成本改进案例证明六西格玛工具和项目管理方法可以有效的运用在供应商质量成本改善项目上。

    The Case Study verifies that Six Sigma tools and project management methods can be effectively used in such quality cost improvement project .

  6. 第四,对供应链下游成员成本改进进行了经济分析。

    And the process of cooperative profit allocation is proposed . Fourthly , economic analysis has been made to the cost improvements of the downstream members in supply chain .

  7. 提出了优化工艺、降低成本、改进ADN稳定化和球形化技术以及ADN应用方面的建议。

    The suggestions about optimization technology to reduce cost , improvement of stabilization , prilling technigues and application of ADN are presented .

  8. 文章认为,通过不断降低成本,改进性能和结构等方法,至少到下世纪初,CRT仍将是显示领域的强有力的竞争者。

    With the continuing reductions in cost , and improvements in performance and construction , the CRT is expected to remain a strong display contender at least in the early twenty first century .

  9. 降低成本,改进质量,提高产品竞争力;

    Reduce cost , improve quality and promote the product competition ;

  10. 基于时间估计的作业成本法改进研究

    Research on Improvement of Traditional ABC by Incorporating Time Estimation

  11. 基于合作博弈理论下作业成本法改进的研究

    Research on Improving Activity-Based Costing Based on Cooperative Game Theory

  12. 质量的成本:改进的动力

    The cost of quality a driving force for improvement

  13. 基于报童模型的供应链企业不匹配成本及其改进

    Mismatch costs and its improvement in supply chain corporation based on newsvendor model

  14. 运用作业成本法改进营销预算管理

    Activity-Based Costing Helps to Improve Marketing Budget Management

  15. 人工成本理论改进研究及实践探析

    The Labor Cost Theory Revision and Practice Researches

  16. 降低成本是改进企业状况的一个重要因素。

    Cost reduction is an important factor in improving the state of a business .

  17. 加强机械化施工管理,对提高工程质量,降低工程成本,改进施工技术,具有十分重要的意义。

    Strengthening mechanization construction control is very important for improving quality , reducing the cost .

  18. 降低客户的所有权成本并改进投资回报率

    Reduce customer cost-of-ownership and improve ROI

  19. 但是,数据库优化可以同时降低成本和改进性能。

    But the beauty of database optimization is that it both cuts costs and improves performance .

  20. 各国可以通过明智投资提高效率、降低成本并改进结果。

    By investing wisely , countries can increase efficiencies , reduce costs and improve on results .

  21. 规则架构师必须鼓励共享基础结构和应用程序以降低成本和改进信息流。

    The rules architect must encourage shared infrastructure and applications to reduce costs and improve information flow .

  22. 目的研究采用神经网络降低糖尿病筛查成本,改进糖尿病防治策略。

    Objective To improve the preventive strategy of diabetes mellitus , reduce tbe cost of screening diabetes mellitus .

  23. 在这种情况下,企业必须承受缩短交货期、提高产品质量、降低成本和改进服务的压力。

    Shortening delivery term , enhancing product quality , reducing cost and improving service will be the great pressure to them .

  24. 给出招投标制度成本质量改进与招投标过程的几个关键质量控制点建议,并建立招投标交易成本质量管理系统框架性方案。

    With a few keys of quantity control point suggestion , and build up the cost quantity management system frame project .

  25. 标准成本系统改进了内部报告并使成本数据对管理更加有利,这一点不容置疑。

    The fact that standards have brought about improvements in internal reporting and have made cost data more useful to management cannot be denied .

  26. 它为编写高质量的查询和改进数据库设计提供专家建议,有助于降低成本和改进性能。

    Its easy-touse advisors and query visualizations can help cut costs and improve performance by providing expert advice on writing high-quality queries and improving database design .

  27. 一般来说,软件架构设计是降低成本,改进质量,按时交付产品和按需交付产品的关键因素。

    In general terms , software architecting is a key factor in reducing cost , improving quality , timely delivery against schedule , and delivery against requirements .

  28. 另外,公司还在提升核心技术,扩展有竞争力的产品品种,以及控制成本,改进营销工作等方面进行了一系列工作。

    Otherwise , the company puts the importance on improving key technologies , enlarging competitive product style , controlling the cost of product , improving selling service and so on .

  29. 你可以通过为公司做贡献来增加你的重要性,比如节约成本,改进工艺,提高销量,以及开发新开户等,这对保住你的工作是有帮助的。

    Contributions that add measurably to the bottom line via cost savings , process improvements , increased sales , and new customers are noticed and will help in keeping your job .

  30. 而中小企业面临着缩短交货期、提高产品质量、降低成本和改进服务等新的竞争压力,所有这些都要求企业能对不断变化的市场做出快速反应。

    LRP is necessary to SMEs as quick responses to changing markets are needed when facing new competitions , such as short lead time , quality improvement and reduce of costs .