
  • 网络Cost control system
  1. 基于MES的动态成本控制系统设计及其应用

    Design and Application of Dynamic Cost Control System Based on MES

  2. 基于数据挖掘的铁路机务段成本控制系统

    Cost Control System in railway locomotive depot based on data mining

  3. 动态随机作业成本控制系统框架研究

    Structure Study of Dynamic and Stochastic Activity-Based Costing Control System

  4. 基于作业管理的煤矿成本控制系统

    Cost controlling system of coal mine on the base of production management

  5. 论绿色成本控制系统的构建

    A Discussion on the Construction of Green Cost Control System

  6. 最后结束语中对提出的作业成本控制系统的运用提出建议。

    Then the conclusion gives advises for using Activity-Based Cost control procedure .

  7. 石油企业成本控制系统模式。

    Mode of cost control system of oil enterprise .

  8. 冶金工业过程动态成本控制系统及应用研究

    Research on Dynamic Cost Control System in Metallurgical Industry Production and Its Application

  9. 土地综合开发动态成本控制系统的分析和设计

    Analysis and Design of Dynamic Cost Control System Using in Land Integrated Development

  10. 数字化管理下的成本控制系统

    Study on system of cost control under digital management

  11. 基于价值链的成本控制系统构建

    The Construction of Value-chain Based Strategic Cost Control System

  12. 成本控制系统的建立与运行。

    The establishment and operation of cost control system .

  13. 咨询企业的成本控制系统

    The Cost Control System of the Consulting Enterprise

  14. 红外公司成本控制系统再设计&ABCM在我国企业中的实际应用

    Redesigning of Cost Control System of KNIT & The Application of ABCM in Our Enterprise

  15. 虚拟企业供应链管理中作业成本控制系统的构建

    Design of Activity - Based Cost Controlling System in Total Supply Chain Management of Virtual Enterprises

  16. 首先,完善的物流管理系统是沃尔玛成本控制系统最有力的支持。

    First , perfect logistic management system is the strongest support of capital control of Wal-mart .

  17. 给出了基于增量接收技术的集成生产控制系统与动态成本控制系统的实现方案;

    This paper describes achieving program of Integration Production Control & Dynamic Costing Control Based on Increasingly Receiving Technology .

  18. 成本控制系统的一个重要用途是能够及时向管理部门提供数据

    An important aspect of any cost control system is to make the data available to management in a timely manner

  19. 基于价值链的战略成本控制系统由基础子系统、执行子系统和支持子系统三大部分组成。

    Three parts are included in the value-chain based strategic cost control system : foundation subsystem , executive subsystem and support subsystem .

  20. 另外,在事后差异分析及绩效评价中增加了成本控制系统的评价及持续改进机制,这样使得整个系统拥有弹性并得以不断改进。

    In addition , this paper adds cost control system evaluation and continuous improvement mechanism in the difference analysis and performance evaluation .

  21. 通过价值链分析确定增值作业,建立各种体系,以此来保证煤矿成本控制系统的有效性。

    By analyzing the value chain to ascertain increment task to construct system of many kinds in order to assure system 's validity .

  22. 科学合理的成本控制系统是企业降低成本,获得持久竞争力的关键性因素。

    Scientific and reasonable cost control system is the key factors for the enterprise to reduce the cost and achieve a lasting competitiveness .

  23. 同时,本文提出通过三个方面改进激励制度,保证成本控制系统的有效性:建立效益性的考核指标,使成本控制效能化;

    Encouraging system should be reformed in the following 3 respects to ensure the effectiveness of cost control system : establishing benefit assessing index ;

  24. 成本控制系统上线运行后对应该本软件的企业的预算花费起到了很好的控制作用,并且可以对所有的花费进行实时的分析。

    After Cost control system running on-line , The companies which used the system played a very good control and could take real-time analysis .

  25. 有鉴于此,建立一个适合我国施工建筑企业实际情况的计算机辅助工程主材的成本控制系统已迫在眉睫。

    So It is urgent to establish a computer aided cost controlling system which suits the actual situations of our country 's construction enterprises .

  26. 接着,作者讨论了柳钢实施作业成本控制系统进行设计的必要性和可行性。

    After that , the author discussed the willow tree steel implementation cost of operation control system to carry on the design the necessity and the feasibility .

  27. 其中执行子系统又称为狭义的成本控制系统,由计量子系统、分析子系统、改进子系统和评价子系统四部分构成。

    And executive subsystem is strategic cost control system in narrow sense , which is composed of calculation subsystem , analysis subsystem , improvement subsystem and measurement subsystem .

  28. 本文阐明了传统成本控制系统的特点及局限性,论述了作业成本控制对传统成本控制的改进。

    This text the illustrates the characteristics and localization of traditional cost control system , and discusses the operation cost control to the improvement of traditional cost control .

  29. 设计成本控制系统的主要原则包括:更新成本管理的观念,树立全面成本控制的思想;

    The principles of setting up cost control system are the followings : renew idea of cost management and build up thought of cost control of all aspects ;

  30. 因此,如何建立一套科学的、高效的、能够实现供应链利润最大化的成本控制系统,是一个迫切需要解决的高复杂度问题,这也正是本论文的研究重点。

    So , how to set up a scientific and efficient cost control system to maximize supply chain profit is a highly complex issue , which requires immediate solution .