
  1. 本章主要论述了企业成本习性中费用粘性主要的两个理论基础:代理理论和不完全契约理论。

    This chapter mainly discusses the cost of enterprise cost behavior of viscosity in two main theories : agency theory and incomplete contract theory .

  2. 但是国内外学者经过大量研究发现,成本与业务量之间并不是线性关系,成本在业务量增加时的增加额大于在业务量减少时的减少额,即出现了成本费用粘性现象。

    But after a number of studies of scholars both at home and abroad , the relationship between cost and volume is not linear . When the volume increases , cost increases more than it decreases when the volume decreases , that is cost stickiness .