
  • 网络technological development strategy;technology development strategy
  1. 日本的技术开发战略

    Technological Development Strategy in Japan

  2. 在微观上,针对我国目前网络银行的弱势方面,各网络银行都应该切实注意技术开发战略、人力资源与客户战略以及市场营销战略。

    From the microcosmic aspects , the all I-banks should pay close attentions to the technological development strategy , human resources and customers strategy , market marketing strategy of I-bank direct against the general weakness of the I-bank at present .

  3. MIS系统涉及企业的生产经营战略、技术开发战略、人才战略等方方面面,其在企业竞争中的作用将日趋显著。

    The function of MIS will become more distinct because MIS relates to enterprises ' strategy of management , technique , human resource etc.

  4. 试论集团企业技术开发战略决策

    A Discussion on Strategic Decision of Group Enterprise Technical Development

  5. 先阐述企业技术开发战略的内涵与意义以及类型与内容,再提出其相应制定流程,最后提出企业技术开发战略的实施条件与环境。

    First the paper introduce something about the technology development strategy , such as the connotation , meaning , type and content .

  6. 整体战略目标包括战略目标和具体的战略体系主要包括生产经营战略、人力资源战略、技术开发战略、财务管理战略和原料发展战略。

    The whole strategy system includes product and operation strategy , HR strategy , R & D strategy , finance management strategy and raw material strategy .

  7. 文章详细阐述了技术开发战略的内涵及适用条件,并提出企业市场与技术开发战略动态分析模型。

    This paper also expatiate the meaning of technology development strategy and the condition that the strategy could use . In the paper , the paper sets up an enterprise market profit and technology development strategy dynamic analysis model .

  8. 经济技术开发区战略调整的原则

    Principles for Strategic Adjustment to China 's Economic & Technological Development Zones

  9. 略论知识经济与福州经济技术开发区发展战略

    Study on Knowledge-based Economy and the Development Strategy of Fuzhou Economic and Technological Zone

  10. 国家高新技术开发区发展战略研究&以太原高新技术开发区为例

    Ecologically Studies on the Strategic Development of the High-Tech Industrial Development Zone & Take Taiyuan High-Tech Industrial Development Zone for Example

  11. 根据企业具体情况,可以进行虚拟生产、虚拟营销、虚拟技术开发以及虚拟战略联盟四种策略的选择。

    According to different situation , the enterprises can choose one or more from four types of virtual management such as virtual producing , virtual marketing , virtual technology exploring and virtual union .

  12. 提出开展国家交通运输体系、铁路网规划和重大技术开发决策的战略环境影响评价,将能够有力推动铁路运输的现代化和促进我国社会经济的可持续发展。

    This paper believes that the evaluation over the state traffic and transportation system , railway network program and key technology policy making will promote the railway transportation modernization and the sustainable development of the national economy .

  13. 高科技企业技术标准联盟专利开发战略研究

    Research on Patent Development Strategy of Technology Standard Alliance of Hi-tech Enterprises

  14. 目前,重庆三峡库区设施栽培技术随着西部大开发战略的实施,随着农业产业结构调整的深化和人民生活水平的提高,以及外向型农业对产品提出的更高要求,已呈现出良好的发展势头。

    Currently , the installation cultivation technique of Chongqing Three Gorges Reservoir has already shown promising trend of development with the application of West Exploit strategy , agricultural structure adjustment and the improvement of people 's living standards , and the extrovert agriculture 's higher demands on the products .

  15. 该模型运用企业技术能力和市场收益两因素相结合的方式,具体探讨了在中国目前环境下家电企业制定技术开发战略的模式。

    This model use market profit and the technical ability of the enterprise to analyze the technology development strategy of Chinese household electrical appliance enterprises .