
jì shù kāi fā fèi
  • technological development expense;technology innovation expense
  1. 鼓励企业加大技术开发费投入。

    Enterprises are encouraged to boost the input into technological development .

  2. 解析技术开发费抵免企业应纳税所得额的政策

    Analysis on the Policy of Credit of Enterprise 's Taxable Income with technical Development Expense

  3. 技术开发费150%税前加计扣除政策落实问题分析与对策研究

    Study on problems of the policy of technology development expenses deduction from the taxable income and its implementation

  4. 论生态税赋制度企业技术开发费对企业所得税的纳税影响

    On the Ecological Tax - charge System Discussion on technology develop charge has effect on pay tax of income tax in enterprises