
jì shù péi xùn fú wù
  • technical training service
  1. 针对大学生提高就业能力的需求,政府为就业困难的大学生提供了相关的培训服务,并将部分专业技术的培训服务外包给市场中的技能培训机构,以增加毕业生的求职选择。

    Specific to the needs of students to improve employability and to increase the employment choose of graduates , the governments provide the related training services for students who has employment difficulties , and outsourcing part of the training and professional services to the skills training institutions which privately-funded .

  2. 公司内二十六各处室能够为用户提供设计、制造、安装调试、技术培训和售后服务等系统的服务支持。

    Companies within the various offices can provide users with the design , manufacture , installation commissioning , technical training and after-sales service support systems .

  3. 具有教强的整体项目设计、开发、生产制造、安装调试、技术培训到售后服务等多方面的综合能力。

    The overall project has a strong teaching design , development , manufacturing , installation and commissioning , technical training to after-sales service and other aspects of comprehensive ability .

  4. 可为用户提供厂前的规划,生产工艺流程设计及设备的制造、安装、测试和人员技术培训等全方位服务。

    We can offer all-round services for customers , including factory pre-founding planning , layout designing , manufacture , installation and test of equipment , and staffs training .

  5. 我厂本着“信用、重质、求实、创新”之经营宗旨,为客户提供完善的设计、开发、生产、咨询及技术培训等全方位服务。

    We always persist in the principle of " Sincerity , quality , factualism and creativity " to give our customers good design , development , manufacturing , consultation and technology cultivation .