
  • 网络Newspaper Design
  1. 现阶段我国报纸版式设计形式浅析

    Analysis of the Present Design of Newspaper Layout of Our Country

  2. 略论目前报纸版面设计改革的走向及流弊

    A Brief Discussion about Trend and Drawbacks of Current Newspaper Layout

  3. 论现代报纸版面设计的艺术价值

    Study on Artistic Value of the Layout Design of Newspaper

  4. 绘画审美因素在报纸版面设计中的运用

    The Application of Painting Aesthetics in Designing Layout of Newspaper

  5. 对当前报纸版面设计误区的观察与思考

    Thinking on Long-standing Mistaken Concept of Newspaper Layout Design

  6. 报纸版面设计中的人机工程学问题

    Man-Machine Engineering Problems in Page Design of Newspaper

  7. 这种表现力正是报纸版面设计的艺术价值所在。

    This kind of show power is the art value of layout design for newspaper .

  8. 报纸版面设计的审美分析

    The Aesthetic Analysis of Newspaper Layout

  9. 当版面成为界面:界面设计对新媒介时代报纸版式设计的几点启示

    The Layout Becoming the User Interface & Some Enlightening User Interface Design Bringing to Newspaper Layout in New Media Epoch

  10. 信息化社会的到来和新的传达手段的出现都加深了社会对高品质、多元化生活的追求,也带来了报纸版面设计的巨大变化。

    The arrival of information society and emergence of new communication means brought us high-quality pluralistic life and brought tremendous changes in Newspaper Layout .

  11. 但是,从理论的角度,系统而深入地对报纸版面设计变革做整体研究的论文或著作尚未出现。

    However , from the perspective of theory , system and in-depth on the layout design of newspaper reform overall research papers or works have yet to emerge .

  12. 运用统一与变化、对比与调和、对称与平衡、节奏与韵律、条理与反复等形式美法则,来把握报纸版面设计的美观。

    The use of unification and change , contrast and harmony , symmetry and balance , rhythm and cadence , and other structured and formal beauty rules repeatedly to grasp the newspaper of design .

  13. 进入营销阶段的报纸版面设计,已不仅仅是一种编辑学范畴的操作,而成为报纸产业形象工程的有机组成部分,成为报纸整个市场战略的一种战术组成。

    The newspaper layout of the marketing stage is not only an operation of editing , but also a part of the newspaper industry 's image engineering and the tactics of the whole market strategy in newspapering .

  14. 该章节首先捕捉学术前沿,运用传播学、广告心理学基础理论,有所创新地提出旅行社报纸广告设计的关键元素:符号、注意力、需要。

    Firstly , this part consults the front line of the academic field , applying the basic theory of communication and advertising psychology , then points out the key elements of it creatively : sign , attention and need .

  15. 报纸的封面设计和2018Supreme秋冬新款相呼应。

    The redesign was published in conjunction with Supreme 's new look book for its fall / winter 2018 season line .

  16. 现代报纸的版面设计与美化

    The Design and Decoration of the Modern Newspaper 's Style

  17. 职责包括为期刊杂志或报纸进行报告设计。

    Duties included designing ads for periodicals and newspapers .

  18. 论报纸广告版面设计的视觉流程

    On Visual Process of Ads Layout Design for Newspapers

  19. 现代报纸广告版面设计与受众心理探析

    Analysis Modern Newspaper Advertisement Layout and Audience Psychology

  20. 报纸的版面设计

    Computer-aided design of newspaper layout

  21. 因此,从传播学角度对我国现代报纸的版面设计进行研究,总结经验,剖析问题,科学借鉴,提出思考,都将具有十分重要的现实意义。

    So it is very significant to have a study on layout of our today 's newspaper , conclude experience , make analysis and put forward thought from the angle of communication science .

  22. 为了使报纸平面广告设计实现标准化管理,本文提出了在报社、广告代理公司、广告主三方之间预留标准化接口,即设置标准化合作范式。

    In order to make the newspaper advertisement design to achieve standardization management requirements , this paper put forward reserved standard interface between newspaper , advertising Proxy Companies , advertisers three party , namely standardization cooperation paradigm .

  23. 本文主要从设计要素(图形、文字、色彩)、表现手法及版面风格三个角度对不同时期房地产报纸广告的设计特征进行剖析,从而将房地产广告设计的发展脉络予以揭示。

    This article mainly analyzes real estate newspaper advertising design features of three different periods from the perspective of design elements ( graphics and text , color ), technique of expression and layout style , hoping reveal the development of real estate advertisement design .

  24. 从报纸版式与广告设计的技巧运用、视觉语言的表达方式和视觉运作机制等方面进行研究,结合新闻可视化理论,探索总结了现代报纸版面的最新发展及成果。

    From the aspects of format skills , visual language and visual expression , the operating mechanism research , combined with information visualization theory , summed up the latest developments and achievements of the modern newspaper .

  25. 文中主要抓住报纸品牌定位、报纸产品设计、报纸品牌传播三个与报纸品牌个性塑造密切相关的环节,提出一些参考意见。

    Adhering to three factors , the brand orientation , the product design and brand communication , which are closely-relating to the personality construction of newspaper brand , this article offers some references in the construction of newspaper brand .

  26. 一份出色的报纸,不仅要在稿件内容上吸引人外,报纸的版面编排设计是否美观,能否带给读者美好的视觉感受同样起着非常重要的作用。

    A good newspaper , not only in the manuscript content , attractive , the newspaper page layout design is beautiful , can give the reader a better visual experience also plays a very important role .