
zhǐ huī jiàn
  • Command ship;control vessel
  1. 指挥舰C3I主体由情报处理、决策和目标分配主体实现;

    The C3I agents of commanding ship are implemented with information processing , decision-making and target assignment agents .

  2. 你开得了这样子的指挥舰嘛?

    Can you fly a cruiser like this ?

  3. “船舱进水了!”指挥舰士兵报告。

    " Water running into the canbin !" the command ship 's soldiers reported .

  4. 此外,我们正在把一些关键指挥舰结成了更紧密并且围绕地球轨道。

    In addition , we are moving some key command ships into closer Earth orbit .

  5. 他说,海军上将洛克利尔在地中海的“惠特尼号”指挥舰上指挥这次行动。

    He said Admiral Sam Locklear was leading the operations from the USS Mount Whitney in the Mediterranean Sea .

  6. 其他美国战舰今年已经访问香港,包括尼米兹航空母舰战斗群和蓝岭号两栖登陆指挥舰。

    Other U.S. war ships have already visited Hong Kong this year , including the carrier the Nimitz and the command ship Blue Ridge .

  7. 他指挥一个驱逐舰分队。

    He commands a destroyer squadron .