
  • 网络radioactivity monitoring;RAM
  1. 环境放射性监测中基于γ谱分析的事件识别

    Identification of events in environmental radioactivity monitoring with gamma spectrometry analysis

  2. 讨论了地衣在环境放射性监测中的应用及存在问题。同时,介绍了一个地衣吸收放射性核素的动态模型,以简化监测结果的分析。

    Application of lichen in environment radioactivity monitoring and problem existed is talked over , and a dynamic model for radionuclide uptake in lichen is introduced to simple analysis of monitoring results .

  3. 惠东口岸进口废物原料放射性监测情况调查

    Investigation on the status of radioactivity inspection for import scrap material

  4. 兰州重离子研究装置周围环境的放射性监测

    Environmental surveillance of radiation around Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou

  5. 放射性监测仪器设备的现状、发展趋势和对策

    Present Situation , Trend and Countermeasures of Radioactive Detecting Instruments

  6. 居室石材放射性监测方法探讨

    On the Radioactive Monitoring Method for Housing ′ s Decorative Stone Material

  7. 核电厂放射性监测系统仿真的数学物理模型

    Physics-mathematics model for nuclear power plant radiation monitoring system simulation

  8. 独联体放射性监测仪表现状

    The Current Status of Radioactive Monitoring Gauges in UIC

  9. 在环境放射性监测中几何平均数的应用

    The application of geometric mean in environmental radiological surveillance

  10. 上海市大气沉降物总α、总β放射性监测

    Monitoring of Gross α and Gross β Radioactivity in Atmospheric Fallout in Shanghai City

  11. 最后,针对我国目前海洋放射性监测发展提出了几点建议。

    Some advice for developing marine radio-monitoring technology in China was proposed at last .

  12. 模拟核爆后环境放射性监测研究

    The Study for the Monitoring of Environmental Radio - activity After Simulated Nuclear Explosion

  13. 本文论述了放射性监测仪器设备的现状、发展趋势和对策措施。

    This paper deals with present situation , trend and countermeasures of radioactive detecting instruments .

  14. 国际大气层放射性监测网

    International network to monitor atmospheric radioactivity

  15. 一铀矿山废石堆场退役治理后环境放射性监测

    The monitoring of environmental radioactivity after the treatment of a certain decommissioned uranium mine waste residue site

  16. 在研究移动物体放射性监测报警技术的背景下,对环境本底的统计特性进行了研究。

    When studying alarming technology of moving radioactive monitors , we study the statistical characteristic of environmental radiation background .

  17. 目的通过对进口废物原料进行放射性监测,有效地防止境外放射性超标物质输入我国,保护我国的环境卫生和人体健康。

    Objective To test the imported material radioactivity , prevent surpass-criterion materials from trans-mitting into our country , protect the environment and people safe .

  18. 然而放射性监测仪器在国内只有少数几个企业生产,绝大部分依靠进口。

    However , only a few production enterprises are able to produce those radioactive monitoring equipment in our country , the majority rely on imports .

  19. 针对目前核辐射安全防护还停留在基于以事务处理为主的数据库管理系统之上的传统数据分析,文章提出了在放射性监测系统中建立以分析处理为主的数据仓库体系化环境。

    The current condition of safe protection from radiation stays on the traditional data analysis of DBMS based on the business transaction , we expound to set up systematic environment of data warehouse based on the analysis transaction in the radioactivity monitoring system .

  20. 研究了人员出入口核材料放射性监测装置中计算机数据采集和检测方法,内容涉及系统组成、序贯概率比检测方法、程序设计等。

    The paper introduces the hardware structure and composition of data acquisition and monitoring system for pedestrian portal special nuclear materials ( SNM ) monitor . The sequential probability ratio test ( SPRT ) detection method and features of software are also discussed .

  21. 当前我国的海洋γ放射性监测方式是现场采样和实验室γ能谱分析的方式,无法对海洋放射性环境进行实时在线的监测和预警。

    The current method of monitoring of the marine γ radiation is field sampling and γ energy spectrum analysis in laboratory , with which it is not possible to carry out in real time on-line monitoring and early warning of marine radioactivity environment .

  22. 放射性核素监测是CTBT国际监测体系中的重要技术手段之一。

    Radionuclide monitoring is an important verification means of international monitoring system .

  23. EML全球监测网在地表空气放射性核素监测方面是全球最大、最全面和最有成效的。

    EML 's global network represents the most extensive and comprehensive global network of its kind in the world for surface air radionuclides monitoring .

  24. 实时快速放射性气溶胶监测技术研究进展

    Development of α / β Radioactive Aerosol Prompt Real-time Monitoring Techniques

  25. 湛江口岸部分入出境货物放射性水平监测

    Radiation Level Surveillance of Some Imported and Exported Cargoes at Zhanjiang Port

  26. 核爆沾染水总β放射性现场监测方法研究

    Study on total β radioactivity monitoring of contaminated water by nuclear explosions

  27. 对核应急放射性沉降监测中一些问题的探讨从断代到年龄测定


  28. 厦门市区环境天然放射性水平监测

    Monitoring for environmental natural radioactive level of Xiamen City

  29. 环境样品总β放射性含量监测值的统计学分布

    Statistical Distribution of Monitoring Data of Total β Activity Concentration of Environmental Sample

  30. 环境放射性网络监测系统的设计和实现

    The Design and Implementation for Environmental Radioactive Network Monitoring