
dí rén
  • enemy;foe;antagonist
敌人 [dí rén]
  • (1) [enemy;foe]

  • (2) 企图使某人或某事受到损害,或企图推翻使某人某事遭到失败的人

  • (3) 互相仇恨而敌对的人或敌对的方面

  • 然仓皇中不可落于敌人之手以死。--清. 全祖望《梅花岭记》

敌人[dí rén]
  1. 那时城堡在敌人手中。

    At that time , the castle was in enemy hands .

  2. 战争期间他们的土地被敌人占据了。

    During the war their lands were occupied by the enemy .

  3. 我们在敌人最意想不到的时候发动了进攻。

    We hit the enemy when they least expected it .

  4. 他被列为穷人的敌人。

    He was marked as an enemy of the poor .

  5. 敌人进攻的时候,我们毫无抵御能力。

    When the enemy attacked , we were completely powerless against them .

  6. 他们一听到敌人的名字就心惊胆战。

    The very name of the enemy struck terror into their hearts .

  7. 进攻未奏效,反而使敌人警觉起来。

    The attack was unsuccessful and served only to alert the enemy .

  8. 她把国家机密泄露给了敌人。

    She gave away state secrets to the enemy .

  9. 我们现在处于敌人的火力射程以内。

    We are now within range of enemy fire .

  10. 指挥官预先得到敌人要发动袭击的警告。

    The commander had been forewarned of the attack .

  11. 这个国家正在备战迎击敌人。

    The country was arming against the enemy .

  12. 敌人遭受了惨重伤亡。

    Heavy casualties were inflicted on the enemy .

  13. 那个小镇落到敌人手里了。

    The town fell into enemy hands .

  14. 敌人正在行军途中。

    The enemy are on the march .

  15. 向敌人发射了导弹。

    Missiles were fired at the enemy .

  16. 她的敌人正密谋把她搞垮。

    Her enemies were scheming her downfall .

  17. 他们联手对付共同的敌人。

    They combined against a common enemy .

  18. 那座城市现处于敌人的控制之下。

    The city is under enemy control .

  19. 我们向敌人发起冲锋。

    We charged at the enemy .

  20. 敌人被击退了。

    The enemy was driven back .

  21. 敌人拥有战术上的优势。

    The enemy was tactically superior .

  22. 总统谈及了敌人的奸诈用心。

    The President spoke of the treacherous intentions of the enemy .

  23. 他侦察敌人兵力薄弱的位置,对其要塞不予理睬。

    He probes the enemy 's weak positions , ignoring his strongholds

  24. 从这可以避开敌方鱼雷区对敌人发动进攻。

    It could engage the enemy beyond the range of hostile torpedoes .

  25. 敌人在距离仅20码的地方开火了。

    The enemy opened fire at a range of only 20 yards .

  26. 敌人现在一定在挖掩体,准备迎接进攻。

    The enemy must be digging themselves in now ready for the attack

  27. 还需要我来提醒你敌人是谁吗?

    Need I remind you who the enemy is ?

  28. 敌人把这座城市炸成了一片废墟。

    Rival gunmen blew the city to bits .

  29. 他看到了敌人冷酷的眼神。

    He saw the pitiless eyes of his enemy

  30. 敌人正从南侧包抄过来。

    The enemy was looping around the south side