
páng xīn
  • escenter
旁心[páng xīn]
  1. 基于Linux床旁心电监护仪及中央监护系统的研制

    Development of ECG Monitoring Instrument Beside Bed and the Central Monitoring System Based on Embedded Linux

  2. 心电图引导下非漂浮电极床旁心内起搏与起搏复律的临床应用

    Cardiac pacing and anti-arrhythmia by bed using non-balloon catheter under ECG

  3. 目的:总结气囊电极床旁心内膜临时起搏治疗技术。

    Objective : To summarize the techniques of endocardium pace-making at the bed with ari cell electrode .

  4. 利用嵌入式技术、因特网通信技术、软件编程技术,实现便携式床旁心电监护仪及其中央监护系统的研制。

    The ECG monitoring instrument and the central monitoring system can be realized by using embedded technology , the Internet communication technology , software programming technology .

  5. 进行床旁心内起搏复律23例,其中室上性心动过速17例,室性心动过速6例。

    23 cases were treated with emergency anti-arrhythmia by bed , 17 cases of them were paroxysmal AV junction tachycardia and 6 cases were paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia .