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  1. 不过有时候你也无能为“松饼”。

    But sometimes , there 's muffin you can do about it .

  2. 现在表现内疚比表现无能为佳。

    These days , better to appear guilty than impotent .

  3. 我懂你的关心,但是可惜在此阶段我们无能为丸。

    I appreciate your concern , but unfortunately there 's nothing we can do at this stage .

  4. 低收入者只需付费用的一半,而高收入者则要无能为支付全部费用。

    Low earners will pay only half the charge but high earners will have to pay full whack .

  5. 当他被员工们无能为广告活动想出有创新性的主意而备受挫败时,他开始为具有创造性的问题想出好的办法。

    He began developing methods for creative problem solving , as he was frustrated by employees inability to develop creative ideas individually for ad campaigns .

  6. 我诚然为我的处境感到无能,也诚然为我的真实感到没什么缺憾,只是心情有点凄凄然。

    I am true to my situation was incompetent , but also for my real true feel no regret , just feel a bitdesolately .