
  1. 硫化氢(H2S)是一种无色有臭鸡蛋味的气体,大量吸入会导致中毒。

    Hydrogen sulfide ( H2S ) is well known as a toxic gas with the characteristic smell of rotten eggs .

  2. 一种无色有刺激性气味的晶状化合物,C18H27NO3,得自辣椒并是对皮肤和黏性细胞膜很强的刺激物。

    A colorless , pungent , crystalline compound , C18H27NO3 , that is derived from capsicum and is a strong irritant to skin and mucous membranes .

  3. 一种无色有芳香气味的液体,C10H18O,从香茅油和其他原油中提取或人工制成,用于制作香水和商业香料。

    A colorless aromatic liquid , C10H18O , obtained from citronella and certain other essential oils or produced synthetically and used in making perfumes and as a commercial flavoring .

  4. 但是如果人吃了它,有可能会因花的剧毒而丧命。一种无色有剧毒的气体,是碳不完全燃烧的产物。

    But if it is eaten by a man , it can kill with its deadly poison . an odorless very poisonous gas that is a product of incomplete combustion of carbon .

  5. 一种无色有剧毒的气体,是碳不完全燃烧的产物。拥有掌形叶片和亮丽花朵的飞燕草;有些含有剧毒。

    An odorless very poisonous gas that is a product of incomplete combustion of carbon . any plant of the genus Delphinium having palmately divided leaves and showy spikes of variously colored spurred flowers ; some contain extremely poisonous substances .

  6. 甲醛又名蚁醛,化学式为HCHO,是一种无色,有强烈刺激型气味的气体。

    Ants , also known as aldehyde formaldehyde , chemical formula HCHO , is a colorless , has a strong stimulating gas-type smell .

  7. 氨气是无色的有刺激性味道的气体。

    Ammonia is a colorless gas with an offensive smell .

  8. 三苯为无色、有芳香味、挥发性、易燃溶剂。

    Three benzene are solvents with features of colorlessness , aroma , volatility and nammability .

  9. 一种无色的、有甜味的气体,N2O,在牙病治疗和手术中用作一种柔和的麻醉剂。

    A colorless , sweet-tasting gas , N2O , used as a mild anesthetic in dentistry and surgery .

  10. 三氯乙烯是一种无色透明,有轻微香味的液体。

    TEC is a colorless and transparent liquid with a slight smell .

  11. 一种无色气体,有强烈的鱼味,用作杀虫剂。

    A colorless gas with a strong fishy smell ; used as a pesticide .

  12. 菌落表面较粗糙,背面无色,中央有一绿色产孢区。

    The surface of the colony was rough , and the back was colorless , there was a round-shaped green zone for spore production in the center of the colony .

  13. BOPP薄膜无色透明,表面有漂亮的光泽。与未拉伸薄膜CPP相比,BOPP力学性能更好,尺寸更加稳定,具有较好的耐热性,耐寒性和气密性。

    Compared with CPP , BOPP has better mechanical behavior , more stable dimension , stronger resistance to low-temperature and high-temperature , and better barrier property .

  14. 附属丝的数目为5~19根,细而长,基部为暗褐色,上部无色且透明,有隔层,顶部呈螺旋状。

    Appendage 5 ~ 19 , acerose , smooth , basin brown , top colorless and limpidity , septate , top helix .