
  1. 插秧结束日称为关秧门。

    Transplanting end of the day is called seeding the door closed .

  2. 贵州茅台于1月16日称,将收回“保价令”。

    On January 16 , Kweichow Moutai said it would retract its base price requirements .

  3. 重点讲解:据英国《每日电讯报》报道,冰岛专家7月6日称,该国一座火山随时准备喷发。

    According to the British " Daily Telegraph " reported on 6 July Icelandic experts said the eruption of a volcano ready .

  4. 东芝于十月22日称自己将彻底退出家庭电脑业务,重新调整扩张运营。

    Hitachi Ltd. said Oct. 22 it will pull out of the household computer business entirely in an effort to refocus its sprawling operations .

  5. 据美国《华盛顿邮报》报道,美国官员5月21日称,一名陆军准将涉嫌与情妇发生肢体冲突,目前已被停职。

    An Army brigadier general who commanded a South Carolina post has been suspended for allegedly having a physical altercation with a mistress , officials said Tuesday .

  6. 柏林电影节主办方8月24日称,明年的电影节将在线下举办,并颁发不区分性别的表演奖。

    Berlinale organizers said Monday the performance awards will be defined in a gender-neutral way at next year 's festival , for which a physical event is planned .

  7. 美国把自己的国庆日称为“独立日”或是“7月4日”,以此纪念1776年在独立战争期间美国从大不列颠独立。

    The United States calls its national day " Independence Day " or " The4th of July ", marking its independence from Great Britain during the American Revolution in1776 .

  8. 国家发改委8月29日称全球货币的流动性,输入性通胀和高成本使政府实现全年通胀目标变得日益困难。

    Global liquidity , imported inflation and higher costs will add to government 's difficulty in meeting its full-year inflation target , the National Development and Reform Commission said on Aug.29 .

  9. 在印度极受欢迎的雀巢美极面条因铅含量超标,引发食品安全恐慌,已在全印度启动召回程序。对此,一名印度官员8日称,印政府将向雀巢公司索赔。

    Indian government is preparing to seek damages from Nestle after a food scare involving excessive lead in its hugely popular Maggi noodles sparked a nationwide recall , an official said on Monday .

  10. 中国疾病预防控制中心11月30日称,截至10月底,中国有57.5万人携带艾滋病病毒或感染艾滋病,死亡病例17.7万人。

    The number of people living with HIV / AIDS in China hit 575000 by the end of October , with 177000 deaths , said the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention on Monday .

  11. 据英国《卫报》报道,马来西亚交通部长于3月9日称,马亚西亚航空失联航班上的4名乘客的真实身份正进行调查中,而马来西亚航空公司方面表示,担心正在发生“最糟糕情况”。

    The identities of four passengers aboard the missing Malaysia Airlines flight are under investigation , the country 's transport minister said on Sunday , as the company confirmed that it was " fearing the worst "

  12. 内蒙古高等法院在11月20日称1996年的这起案件将要重新审理,当时判定呼格吉勒有罪。

    The High Court in the northern region of Inner Mongolia said on November 20 that the 1996 case involving an ethnically Mongolian man named Qoysiletu , who was found guilty of the crimes , will be reexamined .

  13. 欧安组织在11月8日称顿涅茨克的监视器检测到装载有“包含身着没有徽章的深绿色制服人员,载有重型武器的无名车队和坦克”通过边境地区。

    On November 8 , the OSCE reported that its Donetsk-based monitors had observed convoys of dozens of unmarked " heavy weapons and tanks ... containing personnel in dark green uniforms without insignia " moving through the territory .

  14. 香港旅游发展局1月19日称,2015年访港旅客为5931万人次,较2014年下跌2.5%;

    The Hong Kong Tourism Board ( HKTB ) said on Jan. 19 that the number of visitors to the city fell 2.5 percent last year over 2014 to 59.31 million , among whom 45.84 million were from the Chinese mainland , down 3 percent .

  15. 如今,5月1日被称为国际劳动节。

    And today , May 1 is known as International Workers ' Day .

  16. 联合国教科文组织本周一(6月21日)称,将在7月16日至31日的全体大会上讨论这一问题。

    Unesco said on Monday it will discuss the issue at its plenary session on July 16-31 .

  17. 世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞博士4月16日警告称,“病例和死亡数量正在以令人担忧的速度持续增加”。

    WHO chief Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned on Friday that " cases and deaths are continuing to increase at worrying rates " .

  18. 《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)7月4日报道称,该计划将耗资140亿美元,其中20亿美元用于火车站本身的翻新。

    The scheme would cost $ 14bn , including $ 2bn for renovating the station itself , the New York Times reported on the 4th July .

  19. 用户在Reddit(与Imgur相关的社区新闻分享网站)上创建账户的周年纪念日被称为cakeday。

    Cake day is the anniversary of the day you created a username on Reddit.com , which is connected to Imgur .

  20. 国际能源机构(iea)7月9日警告称,全球石油市场未来5年将“极为吃紧”。

    Just yesterday the International Energy Agency warned that the world oil market would be " extremely tight " over the next five years .

  21. 澳大利亚联合新闻社20日报道称,澳大利亚2010年的大选似乎变得更加“性感”。

    The2010 Australian election campaign just got sexier .

  22. 国际消费者权益日官网称该节日的历史能够追溯到20世纪60年代。

    The website Consumers International.org states World Consumer Rights Day has its origins in the 1960s .

  23. 据素食日网站称,素食日的设立是用来晋升素食主义的爱好,豪情和增强生命的年夜概性的。

    According to the days website'it was created to promote the joy , compassion and life-enhancing possibilities of vegetarianism .

  24. 监测部门昨日(3月28日)称,目前在上海以及周边一些东南沿海地区的空气中,检测出了放射性物质。

    Radioactive material has been detected in the air above Shanghai and other southeastern coastal areas , monitoring authorities said yesterday .

  25. 阵亡将士纪念日最初称为“扫墓日”,因为用鲜花装饰的士兵的坟墓的做法。

    Memorial Day was first called " Decoration Day " because of the practice of decorating soldier 's graves with flowers .

  26. ON公司的19个附加条件几乎无一例外不合法的,接着在11月29日又称监管新增的条款也都不合法。

    ON bid were illegal , and it said on November29th that all of the regulator 's new conditions were illegal too .

  27. 上海东方卫视于7月20日报道称上海福喜食品有限公司将过期变质肉类制作成快餐产品。

    Shanghai Dragon TV reported on July 20 that Shanghai Husi Food Co. was found processing old meat into fast food products .

  28. 消费者日又称之为国际消费者权益日,定在每年的3月15日。

    The Consumers ' Day , also called International Day for Protecting Consumers ' Rights , is held on 15th March every year .

  29. 在英国,12月26日被称为节礼日。这是孩子们最喜欢的一天。人们在这天会打开他们的礼品盒,互赠礼物。

    Dec26 is called Boxing Day in the UK , which means everyone opens their box of presents-the most joyful day for the children .

  30. 那时,十一月一日被称为“万圣日”,在那天人们纪念所有没有特定纪念日的圣人。

    At that time November1st was called " All Saints'Day " and people honoured all the saints who did not have their own special day .