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  1. 旧院黑鸡蓝壳蛋与家鸡非蓝壳蛋蛋壳显微结构研究

    A comparative study of the microstructure between blue eggshells from " jiuyuan black fowls " and non-blue egg-shells from common domestic chickens

  2. 旧院黑鸡蓝壳蛋蛋壳强度比其他非蓝壳蛋蛋壳高。

    The mechanical strength of blue eggshells from " Jiuyuan Black Fowls " is greater than non - blue eggshells from other chickens .

  3. 各鸡种的杂合度都较高,平均杂合度范围是0.629~0.681,最高的是泸宁鸡(0.681),最低的是旧院黑鸡(0.629)。

    The mean heterozygosity of 8 chicken breeds was all over 0.5 . The highest was the Luning chicken ( 0.681 ), and the lowest was the Jiuyuan Dark chicken ( 0.629 ) .

  4. 引种观察表明,旧院黑鸡在中等营养水平和笼养条件下,18周龄时体重达1283.2g,料肉比为3.42:1500日龄平均产蛋量为76枚,比产区散养时提高了19.87%。

    The breed-importing observation of the Jiuyuan Black Fowl raised under eage-rearing conditions with medium nutrition level has shown that 18-week-old chickens have an average body weight of 1 283.2 g and a food / meat ratio of 3.42 ;