
  • 网络mtime;mtime.com;time
  1. 据侯凯文说,如今该网站每月吸引1.6亿电脑和手机用户。时光网相当于是Fandango、IMDb、烂番茄(RottenTomatoes)以及雅虎电影(YahooMovies)的综合体。

    Now attracting 160 million unique desktop and mobile users a month , according to Mr. Hou , Mtime is effectively Fandango , IMDb , Rotten Tomatoes and Yahoo Movies rolled into one .

  2. 不过没有任何一个竞争对手像时光网那样,把所有的功能都整合在一个体系之内。

    But no competitor has integrated all of these functions under one umbrella in the way Mtime has .

  3. 基于Labwindows/CVI和SBS实时光网的虚拟示波器系统设计

    Virtual Oscilloscope System Design Using Labwindows / CVI and SBS Real-Time Optical Network

  4. 下一步就是衍生品开发:在富达亚洲风险投资(FidelityGrowthPartnersAsia)和宽带资本(CBCCapital)等公司的支持下,时光网已经开始设计电影主题的相关产品,并在其网站和中国的电影院内销售。

    Next comes merchandising : Mtime , which counts Fidelity Growth Partners and CBC Capital among its backers , has started designing movie-themed products that are sold on its website and inside Chinese multiplexes .

  5. 2005年,时光网由前微软高管侯凯文(KelvinHou)在北京创立,一开始是一个分享电影放映排期的网站,网站的名字正由此而来。

    Founded in 2005 in Beijing by Kelvin Hou , a former Microsoft executive , Mtime started as an online listing of movie times , hence the name .

  6. 据中国电影网站时光网说,派拉蒙影业(ParamountPictures)的《变形金刚4:绝迹重生》(Transformers:AgeofExtinction)在中国上映不到两周就打破了票房记录,超过了《阿凡达》(Avatar)。

    In the less than two weeks since its premiere in China , Paramount Pictures " " Transformers : Age of Extinction " " has hurtled to the top of the country 's box-office records , surpassing " Avatar , " " according to the Chinese movie website Mtime .

  7. 据时光网说,四年前詹姆斯·卡梅隆(JamesCameron)的《阿凡达》在中国上映时赚了2.222亿美元,打破了国内票房记录。加尼斯说,即使与四年前相比,中国的电影市场也进入了一个“不同的时代”。

    Even compared with four years ago , when James Cameron 's " Avatar " " was released - smashing domestic box office records at the time with earnings topping $ 222 million , according to Mtime - the film market in China has entered a " different era , " " Mr. Ganis said .

  8. 在接受时光网采访时,姜文曾说这部电影是对充满好奇心的观众们的致敬。

    In an interview with Mtime , the director said that the movie is a tribute to audiences with curiosity .

  9. 对那些搜寻电影新闻的人来说,时光网同诸如新浪、腾讯和搜狐等网络公司的娱乐板块是存在竞争的。

    For those seeking movie news , Mtime competes with the entertainment sections of Internet companies like Sina , Tencent and Sohu .

  10. 据时光网透露,影片相关工作已经于本月初开始,并已经在澳门取景。

    Production on the project began earlier this month and according to mtime.com , some of the scenes have been shot in Macau .

  11. 今年一月,时光网还成立了衍生品销售体验中心,其中相当一部分是与中国最大的院线万达影城合作。

    Mtime began opening these " merchandising centers , " many in partnership with Wanda Cinemas , China 's largest theater operator , in January .

  12. 这种整合也是它对好莱坞产生影响的地方,不只是因为时光网为一站式促销购物创造了一个环境。

    That integration plays a role in its influence on Hollywood , and not just because Mtime has created an environment of one-stop promotional shopping .

  13. 根据时光网的统计,截至周日结束,这部中国电影的票房是2500多万美元,《变形金刚4》是9800万美元。

    The Chinese film made more than $ 25 million by the end of Sunday , while Transformers pulled in $ 98 million , according to Mtime .

  14. 这个过程使得他对狼的理解变得更加深刻,在接受时光网采访时,他说狼可以把你当成朋友,但绝不是主人。

    The process helped Feng develop a deeper understanding of the wild creature . He told Mtime that Wolves can treat you as friends , but never as owners .

  15. 据时光网说,从第一部《变形金刚》在中国上映七年来,商业性电影银幕的数量已经翻了五倍。

    In the seven years since the first '' Transformers '' was shown , the number of commercial movie screens in China has increased fivefold , according to Mtime .

  16. 这个过程使得他对狼的理解变得更加深刻,在接受时光网采访时,他说“狼可以把你当成朋友,但绝不是主人”。

    The process helped Feng develop a deeper understanding of the wild creature . He told Mtime that " Wolves can treat you as friends , but never as owners . "

  17. 时光网还有在这些渠道推广电影的收费服务,帮助电影公司迅速覆盖这个它们觊觎已久却又不完全了解的市场。

    And for a fee , Mtime will promote movies through all of these services , helping studios to quickly cover a market they covet but do not yet fully understand .

  18. 画面制作怀旧、精致,《小王子》在国内各大影评网站赢得了一致好评,豆瓣评分8.7,时光网评分8.1。

    Resonant with nostalgia and exquisite imagery , The Little Prince has won critical acclaim from the country 's major film-review sites , scoring 8.7 points out of 10 on Douban.com and 8.1 on Mtime.com .

  19. 报告显示,在年轻人中最受欢迎的两个网站豆瓣和时光网,13.48%的用户密切关注英剧,只有1%讨论韩剧。

    The report finds that on Douban and Mtime , two popular websites among young adults , 13.48 percent of the users pay close attention to British dramas , while only 1 percent discuss South Korean shows .

  20. 在Mtime.com时光网和豆瓣两大影评网站上,《港囧》的得分只有6.2和6.4(满分10分),对于拥有如此票房成绩的大片来说,这个分数相当低。

    The ratings on Mtime.com and douban.com , two of the biggest film reviewing websites in China , are 6.2 and 6.4 out of 10 , which is rather low for such a box office smash hit .

  21. 电影网站时光网近日发布的一份报告显示,中国内地国庆档票房10年来首次缩水,总票房为15.8亿元,同比下跌14.6%。

    The Chinese mainland 's National Day box office experienced its first fall in a decade with 1.58 billion yuan , a 14.6 % year on year drop , according to a report released by movie site Mtime .

  22. 电影公司因此改为出钱打户外横幅和广告牌、网络广告,与当地市场推广伙伴合作,并越来越多地求助于一个外国人很少听说、但影响力巨大的公司:时光网。

    Instead , film companies pay for outdoor banners and signs , advertise online , team up with local promotional partners and , increasingly , call a company with enormous reach that few people outside of China have ever heard of : Mtime .

  23. 万达影城总经理曾茂军在一份声明中说,与时光网的合作“标志着中国电影市场的一个重要的里程碑,”电影衍生产品从只服务特定用户群拓展成了“生活用品领域的重要部分。”

    Zeng Maojun , president of the Wanda Theater Group , said in a statement that the Mtime partnership " marks an important milestone in China 's movie market , " with movie merchandise shifting from a niche to " a vital part of the lifestyle market . "

  24. 时光中文网授权证书查询系统,一个证书录入提供给外部查询的代码。

    Chinese net time query system authorization certificate , a certificate to provide input to the external query code .