
  • 网络Period Drama;Jidai-geki
  1. PBS台每周日的“杰作”栏目都要播放《唐顿庄园》这部时代剧,这些命运的转折便是剧中高贵的克劳利一家及仆人们最新的经历,该剧由朱利安·费罗斯(JulianFellowes)担任主创和编剧。

    These turns of fate , seen on Sunday 's installment of this PBS " Masterpiece " period drama , are only the latest to have been flung at the noble Crawleys and their household staff by Julian Fellowes , the creator and writer of " Downton Abbey . "

  2. 她还出演了一系列的戏剧、西部片和时代剧,最令人难忘的要数在《罗宾汉历险记》中扮演的女仆玛丽安。

    She also performed in a series of dramas , Westerns and period pieces , most memorably as Maid Marian in " The Adventures of Robin Hood . "

  3. 它是个怪诞的造物:一部力求如实还原的时代剧,讲述的是共和国初年的政治争斗,演员却以非裔和拉丁裔为主,作曲则带有浓重的嘻哈风格。

    It is an odd creation : a rigorously factual period drama about the political intrigues of the early Republic , starring a cast of mostly black and Latino actors , with a score steeped in hip-hop .

  4. 由奥兰多·布鲁姆(OrlandoBloom)和卡拉·迪瓦伊(CaraDelevingne)主演、亚马逊延后已久的维多利亚时代奇幻系列剧《狂欢命案》,终于确定上映时间了。

    We finally know when Carnival Row , Amazon 's long-delayed Victorian fantasy series starring Orlando Bloom and Cara Delevingne , will arrive .

  5. 我喜爱维多利亚时代的情节剧。

    I love Victorian melodrama .

  6. 时代与电视剧

    Times & TV show

  7. 从《解放了的董吉诃德》写作的时代背景,剧作者的写作意图和思想内容看,该剧阐述了这样一个哲理:对敌人的仁慈,就是对革命的残忍。

    The writing background , intention and theme of the play Liberated Don Quixote expounded a philosophy : mercy to enemy meant cruelty to revolution , which was of historical and realistic significance .

  8. 在“IP”剧盛行的新时代,传统电视剧、网剧、和网络视频产生碰撞与融合。

    The traditional TV dramas , web dramas and online videos are colliding and fusing in this new era featuring " IP " .

  9. 本文就从时代感与历史真实、艺术真实、戏剧欣赏三个方面浅谈一下时代感与历史剧创作的关系。

    This text feels from the ages to is true with history , is true with art and enjoy with drama three aspects shallow talk the ages feels with the relation of the chronicle play artistic .