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shí shí kè kè
  • always;all the time;at every moment;continuously;hourly
时时刻刻 [shí shí kè kè]
  • [hourly] 每时每刻或每一个时刻地

  • 时时刻刻保持高度警惕

时时刻刻[shí shí kè kè]
  1. 雅夏的自我救赎并没有达到理想的彼岸,即使他砌在小屋里,他的心境仍是不平静的,情欲仍时时刻刻折磨着他。

    Yasha has not achieved his ideal by his self-redemption . Even if he imprisons himself in a small cell , his heart is not quiet and his lust tortures him at every moment .

  2. 父母希望孩子们时时刻刻都在读课本。

    Children are expected by their parents to be reading a textbook all the time .

  3. 我们时时刻刻都在提防突然袭击。

    We were constantly on the alert against any surprise attack .

  4. 一个好的医生应当时时刻刻关心着他的病人。

    A good doctor should always concern himself with his patients .

  5. 随着大数据时代的到来,Internet时时刻刻都在释放出海量数据。

    With the arrival of the era of big data , the Internet is releasing lots of data .

  6. 越来越多的规范需要DOM,并对它加以扩展(例如,SVG),因此DOM时时刻刻就在您的身边。

    More specifications require and extend the DOM ( like SVG ), so it is not going away any time soon .

  7. 让你随心所欲,享受DIY调色乐趣,时时刻刻拥有无瑕美肌。

    Enjoy DIY color mixing at your pleasure and enjoy flawless skin at any time .

  8. 在加入WTO之后,施工行业面临着更为激烈的综合能力竞争压力,而成本控制则是在宏观环境风云变幻的现代,需要让每个施工企业时时刻刻永久思考的课题。

    After joining the WTO , construction industry faces with even more intense competitive pressure , and as a result , cost control is a fierce problem which every construction enterprise has to solve .

  9. 布宜诺斯艾利斯有许多充满传奇色彩的酒吧咖啡馆,也就是西班牙语所说的“百年荣誉咖啡馆”(baresnotables),馆里为客人提供服务的都是职业侍者,常常需要排队等餐,时时刻刻宾客盈门。

    Many of Buenos Aires 's legendary bar-cum-cafes , or bares notables , with their career waiters and queues for tables , are packed with tourists .

  10. 国际红十字会手术科副主任DominiqueStillhart表示,医疗工作人员,尤其是巴勒斯坦红十字协会的医生的安全必须时时刻刻得到保障,必须能联系到伤者,对他们加以治疗,如果需要还必须带他们到医院。

    International Committee of the Red Cross Deputy Director of Operations Dominique Stillhart says health workers , particularly from the Palestine Red Crescent Society , must be granted around-the-clock safe , unlimited passage to reach the wounded , treat them and take them to hospitals if needed .

  11. 也不是所有人都在时时刻刻浪费我们的钱啊。

    Not all of them are wasting our money every second .

  12. 很明显,无论他们到什么地方,她时时刻刻都在警惕着。

    Wherever they went she was evidently always on the watch .

  13. 你从未将部门业绩目标时时刻刻放在心中。

    If you never bear the performance goal in your mind .

  14. 他时时刻刻捏着一把汗,生怕假释被取消。

    He lived in constant fear of that parole being revoked .

  15. 她似乎时时刻刻忙这忙那。

    She seems to be on the go all the time .

  16. 时时刻刻都在鼓励和扶持着他。

    All is encouraging and is supporting him all the time .

  17. 时时刻刻,我都想呼唤你,宝贝。

    Every now & then I want to call you baby .

  18. 我希望你能够时时刻刻坚强,“翔坚强”!

    I hope you will always be strong ," Xiang firm "!

  19. 我会牢记跟他们场上场下的时时刻刻。

    I will remember these times , on and off the court .

  20. 黄金时间分分秒,时时刻刻勤思考。

    Time is gold , so spend every second doing your things .

  21. 他时时刻刻叫我老兄和好家伙。

    He calls me man and dude all the time .

  22. 时时刻刻都生活在恐惧之中。

    To live in terror every moment of every day .

  23. 时时刻刻抗拒引诱,就是一种胜利。

    Every moment of resistance to temptation is a victory .

  24. 他们时时刻刻准备为真理而战斗。

    They were always ready to do battle for truth .

  25. 我们时时刻刻相互尊重、尊敬。

    We treat each other with dignity and respect at all times .

  26. 你得时时刻刻带着放射量测定器,

    You have to have dosimeter at all times , clicking away ,

  27. 所以时时刻刻我们都要想那个救命的能力。

    Therefore , we must always be thinking of the life-saving power .

  28. 像这样的日落时时刻刻在改变着色彩。

    A sunset like this shifted its tints every moment .

  29. 非常快乐,时时刻刻都在甜蜜的爱情中。

    Totally happy , always in love and never dull .

  30. 男人、女人、小孩、时时刻刻都在握手。

    Men , women , and children shake hands all the time .