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  1. 柱的设计参数看作是随机变量,分析了主要设计参数对柱可靠度的影响。比较分析了把弯矩与轴力看作相互独立或完全相关时柱的可靠度。

    Influences of major design parameters on reliability of columns were analyzed .

  2. 考虑界面状况时柱状弹性固体的声波散射

    Sound wave scattering by elastic cylinder encased in solid matrix with interphase layer

  3. 因此,地震时柱的抗震性能好坏决定了框架结构的倒塌是否发生。

    Therefore , the seismic performance of columns determines that whether the collapses of frame structure occur .

  4. 对于梁托柱时柱位于梁塑性铰区所带来的问题,根据抗震设计基本概念予以解决。

    Basing on the concept of seismic design , a method is proposed when column is in the plastic joint area of beam .

  5. 针对声波测井薄层探测的需要,用半解析方法求解了地层为水平多层介质时柱状井孔内脉冲点源激发的声场。

    The acoustic wave field excited by a pulsed point source in a fluid-felled borehole surrounded by horizontal multiple-layered media is solved by the send-analytical method .

  6. 有机相连续时柱内液滴以聚集为主,水相连续时柱内液滴以分散为主。

    When the aqueous phase is continuous phase , the dispersed phase mainly behaves as dispersing and behavess as coalescing when the continuous phase was changed into organic phase .

  7. 计算结果表明弱无序时柱体形状影响最大,最小是圆柱半径无序。

    The numerical simulation results show that , in the case of weak disorder , the effect of the shape of cylinders is the most significant while the effect of radius of cylinders is the weakest .

  8. 实验证明:流速与亲合膜色谱柱柱压呈线性关系,当流速为3mL/min时,柱压为160kPa。

    The results showed that the relationship between flow rate and backpressure was linear . When flow rate was 3 mL / min , backpressure attained 160 kPa .

  9. 自体髂骨为支架的人工角膜手术过程基本顺利完成,术中1例在行PMMA柱镜并周围髂骨组织取出术时发现柱镜脱离。

    The artificial cornea during surgery autologous iliac stent basically the successful completion of one cases , intraoperative line PMMA cylinder and cylinder from the around the iliac bone tissue removal surgery .

  10. S1-1井是具有钻进时液柱压力与地层漏失压力相接近特点的一口注水井。

    The well S1-1 is a water injection well , which has the characteristic-close pressure between liquid column and formation leakage .

  11. 研究了温度、压力对疏水催化剂氢同位素交换时交换柱上部排出的HDO摩尔量的影响。

    The effects of the temperature and pressure on the mole fraction of HDO in the top segement of the column have been examined for the hydrophobic catalyst .

  12. 斜直井中考虑摩擦时钻柱的正弦屈曲分析

    Sinusoidal Buckling Analysis of Drill String with Friction in Deviated Wells

  13. 基于车辆碰撞时转向柱安全性研究

    Cherishing Time Study on Steering Column Safety Performance while Car Crashing

  14. 对沿空掘巷时煤柱的留设问题进行了分析和计算。

    This paper analyzed and calculated width of coal pillar for driving roadway along gob .

  15. 大迎角时卵柱体上旋涡与激波作用的研究

    The research of shock and vortex interaction on an ogive cylinder body at high ANGIES of attack

  16. 本文研究了体积力与强制对流共存时椭圆柱外的膜态沸腾换热问题;

    The heat transfer of film boiling on an elliptical cylinder when forced convection coexists with volumetric force is investigated .

  17. 但对于测试时管柱回收到的流体量少的情况,很难准确判断其流体性质。

    But on the condition of receiving little fluid sample in testing string , it is difficult to determine fluid property .

  18. 正确地运用工具可以查看在峰形和分离时,柱箱温度数值、载气流量、和其它参数。

    It 's the perfect tool to watch the effects of oven temperature , carrier flow and other parameters on your peak shape and separation .

  19. 结果表明,考虑表面波时,柱体的振动频率比不考虑表面波时的频率更低。

    The results show that the frequency of column partially submerged in water with surface waves is lower than that of the one without surface waves .

  20. 利用柱后可见紫外检测,比较了采用多孔聚四氟乙烯材料和多孔烧结不锈钢材料作为台锥形制备液相色谱柱柱头筛板材料时的柱效;

    By Vis-UV detector , column efficiencies of conically shaped preparative chromatographic columns with porous polytetrafluoroethylene ( PTFE ) frit and porous stainless steel frit were compared .

  21. 当外加载荷大小、加载宽度及结构体长度相同时,柱壳结构中截面上拉应力最大值大于平板。

    When their loading sizes , widths and lengths are the same , the maximum value of stress at the center of cross-section will be greater than that of the plane structure .

  22. 当橡胶支座处于大变形时悬臂柱实际上受力为偏心受压且P&△效应使悬臂柱挠度变大,影响串联隔震体系复位能力。

    When the rubber bearings in a large deformation , the cantilever column was subject to the eccentric force and the P - △ effect make the large deflection of cantilever column greaten .

  23. 分析了积水入渗时土柱内封闭气泡的体积与土柱干密度、初始含水量和土类性质的关系,并初步探讨了三种影响因素对封闭气泡体积的影响机理。

    The effects of dry density , initial water content and soil type on the volume of entrapped air are proposed , and the influencing mechanism of the three factors is discussed . 3 .

  24. 本文介绍了这种泵的结构装置和工作原理、变排量时机的选择及变为抽稠油泵时杆柱下行受力计算方法。

    Stimulated well . The structure and working principle of the pump , the choice of variable ? displacement moment , and the calculation method of the force when rod goes down are introduced .

  25. 混凝土偏心受压柱的失效与荷载有关,对于混凝土强度、钢筋强度和数量以及截面特征相同的柱,荷载路径发生变化时,柱的承载力大小和失效模式都将发生变化。

    If load path changes , both the ultimate bearing capacity and the failure mode will change for the columns with same concrete strength , same reinforcement strength and quantity , and same section features .

  26. 对于平面较规则的异形柱框架结构,在不考虑竖向地震作用影响时其柱的变化规律仍然可以近似地看作与弯矩或者侧移成线性关系。

    For the regular frame structures with special-shaped columns , the change of the axial force to the columns can still be seen as similar to lateral displacement and bending moment in a linear relationship .

  27. 建立了小井眼开窗侧钻作业时钻柱的力学模型,从而可以方便地根据现有海洋修井机的提升能力推导出其最大的开窗侧钻井深;

    The mechanical model of the strings were found when they were used in a sidetracked hole . From this , we could easily calculated out the well depth according to the lift ability of the ocean workover rig ;

  28. 锈蚀钢筋混凝土柱中的钢筋如果锈蚀较为严重时,柱中的箍筋会被锈断,使主筋失去侧向约束力,从而使构件受压强度大幅度降低。

    If Corrosion in reinforced concrete columns reinforced the rust is more serious , the column in the stirrups will be rust off , and make the reinforcement loss of lateral binding , so that the component compressive strength substantially reduced .

  29. 基于此,用反相液相色谱研究了在两个不同长度的色谱柱上分离多肽混合物时色谱柱长度与峰容量的关系,同时考察了梯度洗脱时间对峰容量和峰宽的影响。

    Therefore , the relationship between peak capacity and column length for the separation of peptides on two reversed-phase columns with different lengths by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography was investigated and the effect of gradient times on peak capacity and peak width was examined .

  30. 在入口风速取18~24m/s时,柱体长度比为1.0~2.0之间的旋风器,其各方面性能均处于较佳状态。

    It 's found that the cyclone separators whose ratio of cylinder length to diameter at the range of 1.0-2.0 have good performances at an inlet flow velocity from 18 to 24m / s. New model to predict the pressure drop of cyclones is suggested by modifying Barth method .