
zuì dī ɡōnɡ zī fǎ
  • minimum wage act;minimum wage law
  1. 其次对劳动基准法进行经济分析,剖析了最低工资法与职业安全和健康法的市场效应;

    Secondly , gives economic analysis of labor standard law , discusses their market effects of minimum wage law and occupational safety and health law .

  2. 此外,实施旨在处理好最低工资法导致失业问题的救济方案,还会引发出令人费解的问题。

    A nice problem , moreover , will be raised by the relief program designed to take care of the unemployment caused by the minimum wage law .

  3. 英国税务及海关总署(HMRC)将向200家打广告招收无薪实习的企业发出警告。如果他们被发现违反国家最低工资法,他们可能会被公开点名批评并处以5000英镑的罚款。

    HM Revenue and Customs ( HMRC ) will warn 200 businesses who have advertised placements for unpaid internships that they could be publicly named and shamed and may be liable for a £ 5,000 fine if they are found to be in breach of national minimum wage laws .

  4. 英国税务及海关总署(HMRC)将向200家打广告招收无薪实习的企业发出警告。如果他们被发现违反国家最低工资法,他们可能会“被公开点名批评”并处以5000英镑的罚款。

    HM Revenue and Customs ( HMRC ) will warn 200 businesses who have advertised placements for unpaid internships that they could be " publicly named and shamed " and may be liable for a £ 5000 fine if they are found to be in breach of national minimum wage laws .

  5. 洛杉矶投票15元时薪最低工资法

    LA Votes for $ 15 Per Hour Minimum Wage

  6. 在美国,最低工资法最先出现在1938年的《公平劳工法案》里。

    In the United States today , minimum-wage regulations are covered under the Fair Labor Standards Act of1938 ( FLSA ) .

  7. 不过,这番表态有些奇怪,因为最低工资法本身有失公允一直是反对者攻击它的理由。

    But that is an odd comment , because the case against the minimum wage was always that the law itself was unfair .

  8. 最低工资法禁止劳动者以低于规定的价格出售劳动力,因此可想而知,它会导致低生产率工人失业。

    A minimum wage forbids workers to sell their labour below a certain price , and therefore would be expected to create unemployment for low-productivity workers .

  9. 斯温生所在部门已经监督英国税务及海关总署执行最低工资法。她表示从明年起投入在该问题上的预算将增加10%。

    Swinson , whose department has oversight of HMRC enforcement on minimum wage laws , said that from next year the budget to fund ongoing work on this issue would rise by 10 % .

  10. 外国的最低工资法和更高的生活成本意味着,富士康需要为非中国工人支付更高的工资,巴西工人每个月的起薪是550美元,而中国郑州工厂的基本工资只有大约300美元。

    Foreign minimum wage laws and higher costs of living mean Foxconn must pay its non-China workers more starting at $ 550 a month in Brazil , compared with a basic salary of about $ 300 at its factory in Zhengzhou .

  11. 我们向华南地区的跨国与中资公司,提供最低工资、劳动法最新变动、福利、雇主品牌建设、职业发展与工作环境等问题的建议。

    We offer advice to multinational and Chinese companies in South China on issues such as minimum wages , labour law updates , benefits , employer branding , career development and working conditions .

  12. 报告还指出,这家公司违反了最低工资和工作时间法,厂主还试图通过伪造用工记录和强迫工人谎报工作条件来掩盖非法行为。

    The report also cited violations of minimum wage and working-hours laws and attempts by factory owners to cover up illegal behaviour by falsifying employment records and putting pressure on workers to lie about conditions .