
  • 网络blueprinting;Service Blueprint;Service Blueprinting
  1. 利用服务蓝图技术描绘服务企业的业务流程,寻找所有内部服务接触点,确定内部服务评价的主客体关联图。

    Firstly the service blueprint is used to describe the service process , then the masters and objects for interior evaluation of service quality are discerned based on the blueprints for each procedure in the process .

  2. 基于服务蓝图技术的供电服务质量外部评价

    External evaluation of electric power supply service quality based on service blueprint technology

  3. 软件+服务蓝图:包含一个带有源代码访问、使用指导、以及与VisualStudio一起使用的工具的框架,使你可以轻松构建软件+服务的解决方案。

    Software + Services Blueprints that contain a framework with source code access , guidance and tools that work with Visual Studio to enable you to easily build software + services solutions .

  4. 服务蓝图:国际上最新旅游服务设计方法

    Service Blue-Printing : the Newest Service Design Method in the World

  5. 建立一个战略服务蓝图(未来的业务服务目录)

    Build a Strategic Services Blueprint ( the future Business Services Catalog )

  6. 服务蓝图是现今国际上极为流行的服务设计方法,本文针对旅行社的具体情况,以案例形式介绍这种先进方法。

    The essay , having taken into consideration of the practices in travel agencies , has introduced this fine advanced method by many case studies .

  7. 应该在原则、最佳实践和服务、蓝图以及框架中包含模式,最重要的是在工具中使用模式,从而加快模式的使用和部署。

    Patterns should be captured in guidelines , best practices and services , blueprints and frameworks , and most importantly in tools to accelerate usage and deployment .

  8. 以服务质量塑造中国移动通信运营商的竞争优势&基于服务蓝图的服务质量实证研究

    Building competitive advantage of China mobile communication carriers by improving service quality & An empirical research based on service blueprint

  9. 有形展示策略则从重视服务产品创新,体现服务内容差异化和优质化;着力营造优美环境,注重服务场景管理;设计服务蓝图,抓住服务的关键环节三方面进行研究。

    Physical display strategy study on three aspects : Through the emphasis on services innovation to reflect the service differentiation and high quality ; strive to create comfortable environment , pay attention to service management ; design effective service perspective and seize the key link .