
zá lù
  • miscellany;varia
杂录 [zá lù]
  • (1) [varia]∶文学杂文集

  • (2) [potpourri]∶杂集

  1. 唐代笔记杂录中的流传模式

    " Spreading Pattern " of the Literary Sketches of the Tang Dynasty

  2. 读《史稿》评《乐府杂录》之胡部&暨论唐康昆仑翻入琵琶是何曲

    A Review of Entry about Hu Minority in Yue Fu Za Lu : What was Performed in Pipa Lute By Kang Kunlun in the Tang Dynasty

  3. 叶圣陶的小品文、笔记和其它的杂录因为简朴流畅而值得注意。这些著述被收在《脚步集》(1931)和《未厌居习作》(1935)里。

    His sketches , notes , and other miscellanea , remarkable for their simplicity and fluidity , were collected in Jiaobuji ( 1931 ; " Footsteps " ) and Weiyanju xizuo ( 1935 ; " Compositions from My Studio " ) .

  4. 黎贵惇关注海洋,所著《抚边杂录》中对于越南中部和南部沿海岸地区、近海岛屿沙洲和近海航海活动有较多记载。

    Le Quy Don paid attention to the sea and made much record of the coastland , inshore islands , islets , shoals and coastal voyages in the middle and southern Vietnam in his writing of Phu Bien Tap Luc ( A Miscellany of Pacifying Frontier Areas ) .