- variegated;parti-colour;motley;fancy shade;varicolored;mottle

(1) [varicolored]∶具有各种颜色的
(2) [motley;motle]∶混杂不纯的颜色
We 're going to grow a variegated ivy up the back of the house .
The red beds sequence consists of mm-thick reddish clays alternating with gray , variegated , locally black clays and calcareous clays .
Sterigmatocystin Induced G_2 Arrest of Gastric Epithelial Cells in Vitro
With smooth lens , the LED light color better , even centralized spot , no noise , no dark shadows .
AIM : To explore the possible impacts of sterigmatocystin ( ST ) on human immunological system .
Effects of sterigmatocystin on mRNA expressions of TNF α and TGF β _2 in subfornical organ of mice
The Putative Mechanisms of G_2 Arrest Induced by Sterigmatocystin in GES-1 Cells in Vitro
AIM : To explore the putative effects of sterigmatocystin ( ST ) on human help T lymphocyte ( Th1 ) function .
Cell Proliferation , p53 and Ras p21 Expression in Human Fetal Lung Cells in Vitro after Sterigmatocystin Treatment
Effects of sterigmatocystin on IL - 2 and IFN - γ secretion and expression in murine spleen cells in vitro
The winner of the Tasteful Christmas Jumper award this year is Gucci 's sumptuous Fair Isle sweater .
The effects of pH and culture time on the growth and ST production of A. versicolor were further studied .
Sequence V is Miocene swamp variegated silt , mudstone interbedded by coaly shale and coal seam . The Oligocene middle grain silt probably deposited in the bottom .
Mutation of p53 and Ki-ras gene in human fetal lung fibroblast cells in vitro by sterigmatocystin
Studies on Coriolus Versicolor and Its Laccases as well as Their Degradation to Environmental Pollutants
Methods We recorded the ABR in 20 normal guinea pigs and 20 with gentamicin-induced hearing loss before and after anesthesia for statistical analysis .
The results showed that Linear model and Quadratic model were much more simulated the observed data of Aspergillus versicolor at 4 ℃ and 10 ℃, in addition , the latter was verified to be better than the formal .
Objectives : Sterigmatocystin ( ST ) is one of predominant contamination mycotoxins in foodstuffs and grains of high-risks areas of cancer of esophagus in China .
AIM To investigate whether the expressions of tumor necrosis factor ( TNF )α mRNA and transforming growth factor ( TGF )β 2 mRNA were changed after the injury of brain tissue by sterigmatocystin ( ST ) .
Objective To study the effects of of sterigmatocystin ( ST ) on the expression of HLA-I in the in vitro cultured human primary esophageal epithelial cells .
From May to September , the changes of acidity and buffer capacities of the peel extract filtrates of various color of oil tea plants were minor , and there were little relation between the disease resistance level and acidity and buffer capacities .
The chromosome abnormality was found in 77 patients and the characteristic chromosome abnormalities were indicated in the patients with M2 , M3 and M5 . The chromosome abnormalities were significantly associated with the prognosis .
Elimination of Citrus infectious variegation virus ( cvv ) by Shoot-tip Grafting in vitro
The results show that the extract solution of the aspergillus versicolor culture which was exposed to sunlight for 8 hours , induces the increase in micronucleus rate and UDS .
He elimination of sterigmatocystin ( ST ) mutagenicity in corn flour by sunlight exposure was studied using micronucleus test in NIH mice in vivo and unscheduled DNA synthesis test ( UDS ) in human peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro .
The FARSCAPE crew is a motley band of renegades .
To investigate the effects of sterigmatocystin ( ST ) on the ultrastructure and the expression of TNF - α in choroid plexus cells after single administration of ST in BALB / c mice in vivo .
Meantime , daily subcutaneous injection of gentamicin , 125 mg / kg body weight for 12 days in albinos and pigmented guinea pigs showed no significant change in vestibular function until the 7th day of treatment .
The specific activity of DNase in the pink and variegated flowers exhibited the tendency of lowering ; and the specific activity of the pink flowers had a peak during the 2 ~ ( nd ) phase .
Aspergillus versicolor was isolated from the compost and confirmed to be the best degrading microorganism for PBS and PBSA in the compost . The biodegradation behavior of PBS and PBSA films by Aspergillus versicolor was further studied . PBSA film exhibited a faster degradation than PBS film .