
  • 网络James Lee;James Z. Lee;Lee, James
  1. 研究小组由李中清教授康文林教授领导,由在读的博士生,研究人员,顾问和技术专家组成。

    Led by James Lee and Cameron Campbell , our group consists of Ph. D. Students , researchers , consultants and technical staff .

  2. 在其它一些案例中,如王业键关于货币供给的研究或李中清、康文林、谭国富关于辽宁的研究,新材料的运用就长期趋势提出了新的假说。

    In other cases , such as Wang 's study of money supply or Lee , Campbell , and Tan 's study of Liaoning , new materials have generated new hypotheses about long-term trends .