
  • 网络country-of-origin effect;Country of Origin Effect;country of origin
  1. 国际传播学界关于来源国效应的研究由来已久。

    The country-of-origin effect has been studied for a long time by the international communication academics .

  2. 对美国品牌则没有这种调节作用。最后,根据相关结论,为中国企业如何应对来源国效应提出了针对性的营销策略。

    The Consumer Ethnocentrism have no interferential effect for American brands . Finally , the study has proposed marketing strategies in reply to the Country-of-Origin Effect for Chinese corporation .

  3. 第四,在来源国效应下(H5、H6),发现货币销售促进活动和非货币销售促进活动对国外品牌比起国产品牌具有更好的效果。

    This result is also in line with the practices in the market . Fourth , with the country of origin effects ( H5 , H6 ), we found that the monetary sales promotion and non-monetary sales promotion have more activities on the foreign brands than domestic brands .

  4. 在此基础上,本文分析了来源国效应的存在性,发现了来源国效应通过国家经济发展水平和产业历史悠久程度两个维度分别影响奢侈品消费。

    The COO effect on luxury goods influence consumers through the economy level and industry history of the country .

  5. 景德镇陶瓷原产地保护的探讨产品评价的来源国效应

    STUDY ON THE PRODUCT OF COUNTRY OF ORIGIN MUST BE PROTECTED A Review Of Researches On Country - Of - Origin Effect

  6. 指出本文在多种情绪属性对认知影响的不同模式方面,以及在来源国效应的影响因素方面所具有的研究创新性。

    The author points out the creativity of this research in the field of influential factors on CoO effect as well as the impact of emotions ' attributes on cognitive process in varying modes .

  7. 以往的研究证明了来源国效应的存在,同时对影响来源国效应的因素以及来源国效应的产生机制进行了深入探讨,但是依旧存在一些不足或局限。

    The past relevant studies not only testified the existence of the country-of-origin effect , but also explored the determinants and mechanisms which caused the country-of-origin effect . However , there are still some relevant problems need to be settled .

  8. 本研究结果推进了品牌来源国(地区)效应的研究,同时具有重要的营销实践意义。

    This study has advanced the research on country-of-origin effect and also has important practical significance of marketing .

  9. 全球化营销过程中,来源国(地区)效应受到学术界的重视。

    During global marketing academic circles should pay much attention to the effects of country-of-origin ( region ) .